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I have MB for Mac since 2 months now and I never had a single treath spotted or a single pop up warning for a website.

So either way, I'm super secure and I really have no issues or MB has been badly download..

But now, mac is super super slow same for my Samsung S9 (same issue/same time) and I have like.. thousands of similar or alwast similar files/app running on my finder..

(No sounds or hot computer, just super slow and files pop out and out and out I think..


Can I have some help ? What do you need me to attache on my next interection on that ticket ? 

Thanks ! 


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It's important to understand that a slow computer is not necessarily a sign of an infection. It can be, but that is far from the most common cause of poor performance. The most common causes for poor performance are running too much software at once, insufficient hardware resources for the installed software, hardware failures (such as a dying hard drive or bad RAM), etc. If you're talking about slow network speeds, that's almost certainly not caused by malware.

I would recommend taking the machine to a more general service tech, such as the Genius Bar at an Apple Store.

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Seems we have a communications issue here since you say elsewhere that we haven't addressed your problem. I, for one, don't fully understand what help you are asking for.

Are you suggesting that Malwarebytes is somehow responsible for this "mac is super super slow"? If so what leads you to this conclusion?

- Have you opened Activity Monitor (found in /Applications/Utilites/) to observe what processes are using the most CPU? If so what Malwarebytes process do you feel is unusually high?

- Have you tried turning Real-Time Protection: Off (by clicking "On" in the Dashboard window) to see if that helps?

Again, such matters are best solved by opening up a support ticket so that additional data can be gathered by a support specialist to find and fix any issue found.

Or are you simply asking for help with a slow computer? As @treed said, it would be rather unusual for this to be a malware issue. Lots of 3rd party software and hard drive issues are far more common. And an Apple Certified technician would be your best bet for a fast resolution.

If that's what you are asking, then perhaps we can help you here, but there are many more Mac troubleshooters over at the Apple Community Support forum who have a long history of helping with exactly such problems for thousands of users. If you decide to go that route, please leave a link to your posting so that I can join in.

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