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Windows 10 Pro 17763.168 (1809) - i7-7700k.



This issue occurs only in Pro, not Free.  After boot and display of the Welcome screen, there is a noticeable lag at the Welcome screen.  Startup sound is delayed by at least 2 seconds.  Clicking or pressing enter to get the sign-on box does not appear for several seconds. After entering PW/PIN, there is a lengthy process displayed of "Waiting for Initialize Profile" (not exact words), "Preparing Desktop", etc.  Finally goes to Desktop.  None of this happened prior to 1.0.508, it was all nearly instantaneous.

Setting delay of 15 seconds removes the issue and all was as before this CU.  Setting the service to Auto(delayed start) also removes the issue.  Both are workarounds.  This did not occur on the previous CU.  I did have the Beta prior to all this, and it, too, had the same issues.  I reverted to Public Release and the issues resolved.  But when this CU was installed, the issues returned.  I have done clean installs using the  mb-clean- and the mb-support-  I have also completely uninstalled it using Revo Uninstaller Pro 4.0.1 and re-installed clean using the latest downloaded today mb3-setup-consumer-, which has the 1.0.508 incorporated.   All to no avail.  There do not appear to be any other side effects, except this startup issue.  Attached is the clean log and mbst-grab-results. 

Thank you for your help.





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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes 3 Help forum.


If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


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    Repair menu_arrows.png
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    Advanced Gather Logs_arrows.png
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    Advanced Gather Logs completed_arrows.png
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If you wouldn't mind doing a bit more troubleshooting, I have a couple of theories I'd like for you to test as I suspect this may be related to some other similar issues we've been seeing with the latest release.

If you would, please try disabling the Ransomware Protection component in Malwarebytes and configure it to startup normally/without a delay and see if just having that component of protection disabled also resolves the issue.

Also, please try reconfiguring User Account Control to its default settings; while I sincerely doubt this is related, I'd just like to eliminate it as a variable since it was one of the few things that stood out in your logs to me, and once you've tested by resetting it to default and restarting, if the issue persists, you may then set UAC back to the way you had it.

Next, please verify that you have the latest drivers for your Killer NIC as we've seen several issues with Killer Network device drivers in the past with Malwarebytes which were resolved by installing the latest driver version from their site which may be found here (according to the logs you have the E2400 which that driver package applies to, among other devices).

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Sorry for the delay.  Sunday, and all.

I like to make one change at a time, to avoid the inevitable question "Which one fixed it"?  😉  So first I disabled the Ransomware, re-booted, and the issues disappeared.  All came up normally, quickly, and correctly.  Let it settle for a few minutes, and re-booted again.  Same.  All back to normal.  Enabled Ransomware, re-booted, and all the previous issues came back exactly as before.  Again, waited a few and re-booted.  Same.  Issues were there.   I have not changed anything else.  No change to UAC nor enabling of Restore Points.  Just the Ransomware, which as of now is still enabled, with the issues. 

If you feel I need to do the other steps, please advise, but this seems to point to Ransomware Protection causing the delay.

Regarding the NIC, all current per pic.  It is the latest per WHQL and Dell.  I would prefer not to update it if not necessary.


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Follow up.....

I had time, so I did a backup and installed the latest NIC driver from Rivet, and set the UAC to level 2.  With Ransomware enabled, same issues.  Disabled, fixed. 


A note that may be helpful.  After the Welcome screen is up, sound played and background pic, if I let it just sit for 20 seconds or so, it pops up the sign-in box, and goes to Desktop much quicker.  Still all the messages as before, and a slight lag, but a bit quicker. 

I have also tested all these scenarios on another virtually identical 1809 OS, under dual-boot, that I use as a test bed.  Only difference is the test bed OS 1809 is under a different MS account.  Same results.

Under both OS's, the display name pops up with delay, then the account picture follows after about 2 seconds.

I'm not an engineer, but it seems that the Winlogon process is having timing trouble getting the profile verified from the MS server, causing delays in the whole process.  All just IMO.



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Can you get a procmon boot log of your login? The steps for this are below:

  1. Enable Ransomware Protection
  2. Download and launch Procmon
  3. Accept the EULA
  4. Click Options -> Enable Boot Logging -> Ok
  5. Restart the computer and then login (it should be slow still)
  6. Once the login is complete, open Procmon again and it should ask to save the boot log
  7. Save the log somewhere you can find it
  8. Find the log, right click it and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  9. Upload the zip file in your response. If the zip file is too large, upload it to wetransfer.com and generate a download link, then share the download link here

Thanks in advance

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3 hours ago, dcollins said:

Can you get a procmon boot log of your login? The steps for this are below:

  1. Enable Ransomware Protection
  2. Download and launch Procmon
  3. Accept the EULA
  4. Click Options -> Enable Boot Logging -> Ok
  5. Restart the computer and then login (it should be slow still)
  6. Once the login is complete, open Procmon again and it should ask to save the boot log
  7. Save the log somewhere you can find it
  8. Find the log, right click it and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
  9. Upload the zip file in your response. If the zip file is too large, upload it to wetransfer.com and generate a download link, then share the download link here

Thanks in advance

Hope this is what you expected.  Procmon created 9 zipped log files, not 1.

Wetransfer link: https://we.tl/t-6Xm6cuj0Pu



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7 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

I'm not sure. I've sent an alert to our Quality Control for an update on this. Have not heard back. Very sorry about that.


Thanks for the follow up.  I'll sit tight. 

Yesterday, I took the time to do a complete in-place repair install of the OS.  17734.194.  No change is symptoms or results.  Just a few minutes ago, as a sanity check, disabled Ransomware Protection and rebooted.  Fast, quick, no lag, desktop in less than 3 seconds.

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On 12/12/2018 at 6:30 PM, f14tomcat said:

That link I gave you has probably expired by now.  Any news?  Next steps? 

Our apologies @f14tomcat - we did download the procmon logs.

As for any news on the reported issue we don't have any at this time. We're actively investigating but we've not yet been able to reproduce.

Edited by tetonbob
updated information
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Was having the problem as discussed at the start of the post, eventually reinstalled a fresh copy Windows which was fine until I installed Malwarebytes, when the problems of slow login using a PIN and then taking several minutes to start-up reoccurred. Disabling the Ransomware protection module has stopped the issues for the moment.

Using latest Windows 1809 (build 195) and a licensed version of Malwarebytes.

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