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Editing our own posts?

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Why aren't permissions for members to edit their own posts granted once they achieve Advanced Members status? The inability to edit or delete our own posts can lead to a lot of embarrassing mistakes that require moderator intervention to correct, as my recent activity has just demonstrated :x

Editing my own posts is something I should stop taking for granted on other forums.

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This is not a "discuss anything, discuss everything" Forum.  This is a manufacturer product support Forum for products that deal with computer malware.  As such this Forum is a target for spam flooding and other malicious activities.

To protect the Forum and its members,  Malwarebytes takes active measures.  They include limiting new member account capabilities.  Member capabilities are expanded when they are made a member of the "Honorary Members" Forum group which you have not achieved yet.


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Okay, that makes a lot of sense actually, and I apologize for bugging folks so much about it. (Though it might help if that sort of stuff was made more abundantly clear in the forum guidelines.) I guess I'm just too used to the way that other forums work. Gotta unlearn some old habits and develop some new ones.

Some important feedback to consider,  though:

  1. I feel like at the very least, having a "Preview Post" button would help whenever formatting tags need to be typed manually.
  2. Additionally, if newer members could "edit" their own posts, but had to wait for moderator approval before their edits show up, it might make some things less frustrating for both ends, since we wouldn't have to manually report our own posts to get stuff fixed if the editor does something we aren't expecting, and moderators wouldn't have to sift through generic reports to figure out why a post was reported. This might be especially helpful if a user makes a critical typo or forgets to include information when making a forum post in one of the support sections, or wants to edit out sensitive information (I might talk more about sensitive information in a future post).
  3. Next, the WYSIWYG editor seems to be very buggy at times, and having an option to disable it might keep some users from pulling their hair out. (With automatic/mandatory post previewing, of course.)
  4. Lastly, the mobile website could also use a lot of work, since that's kind of where a lot of my problems originate to begin with.

There's probably a lot more that could be done that would be mutually beneficial to the user experience, the site staff, and the community at large, but I don't have the time or energy to discuss all of  it right now.

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I'll write this ONCE. 

The Editor in the Invision Forum v4 SUCKS.  We have been using it for over 2.5 yrs now and much of that time was spent fixing bugs.  Since it is mostly a WYSIWYG editor it makes assumptions and imports HTML and BBScodes and makes mistakes all the time.  Advanced use means fighting the editor and I have made videos demonstrating "fighting the editor".  Invision thinks they are the best and in their collective hubris they think adding extra Smilies is more important than fixing the Editor or even Forum spam handling.


Below is a graphic of the Forum v3.x Editor and it was FAR BETTER than the crap foisted on Malwarebytes in v4 !


Of course the above is just my strong opinion and is not to be construed as a voice of Malwarebytes.

Edited by David H. Lipman
Edited for content, clarity, spelling and grammar
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1 hour ago, David H. Lipman said:

I'll write this ONCE. 

The Editor in the Invision Forum v4 SUCKS.  We have been using it for over 2.5 yrs now and much of that time was spent fixing bugs.  Since it is mostly a WYSIWYG editor it makes assumptions and imports HTML and BBScodes and makes mistakes all the time.  Advanced use means fighting the editor and I have made videos demonstrating "fighting the editor".  Invision thinks they are the best and in their collective hubris they think adding extra Smilies is more important than fixing the Editor or even Forum spam handling.


Below is a graphic of the Forum v3.x Editor and it was FAR BETTER than the crap foisted on Malwarebytes in v4 !


Of course the above is just my strong opinion and is not to be construed as a voice of Malwarebytes.

...from your lips to God's ear Dave...

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