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Has anyone been getting BSOD as of late due to MBAM?

Everything has been perfectly fine until a few weeks ago. I started getting random sporadic BSOD (BAD_POOL_CALLER) 0X2. Initially I thought my overclock has gone bad, or maybe a memory issue. I've been troubleshooting for the last couple of weeks and I have pinpointed it to Malwarebytes. 

  • Even after resetting my overclock to stock, it would still BSOD randomly. I would leave a stress testing tool running (OCCT) while I sleep, and it would generally guarantee a crash. 
  • Ran memtest86 and passed with no issues
  • Only after disabling Malwarebytes, I'm able to avoid BSOD. 
  • It seems maybe a recent windows update may have caused some conflicts? Since it was running fine for years. 
  • Windows 10 Pro x64
  • Bitdefender / MBAM (currently disabled) with proper exclusions set in each app
  • Currently on 1803 Spring Creators Update
  • I don't have memory dumps currently as I have cleared them

I just wanted to see if any members or staff here has noticed an increase in crashing due to the software.

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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes 3 Help forum.


If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


If you haven’t already done so, please run the Malwarebytes Support Tool and then attach the logs in your next reply:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  1. Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder/location of the downloaded file
  3. Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
    • You may be prompted by User Account Control (UAC) to allow changes to be made to your computer. Click Yes to consent.
  4. Place a checkmark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next
  5. You will be presented with a page stating, "Get Started!"
  6. Click the Advanced tab
    Repair menu_arrows.png
  7. Click the Gather Logs button
  8. A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed with getting logs from your computer
    Advanced Gather Logs_arrows.png
  9. Upon completion, click a file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop. Click OK
    Advanced Gather Logs completed_arrows.png
  10. Please attach the file in your next reply. Before submitting your reply, be sure to enable "Notify me of replies" like so:
     notify me.jpeg  

Click "Reveal Hidden Contents" below for details on how to attach a file:


To save attachments, please click the link as shown below. You can click and drag the files to this bar or you can click the choose files, then browse to where your files are located, select them and click the Open button.


One of our experts will be able to assist you shortly.


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Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/consumer/pages/contact-us to get help

If you need help looking up your license details, please head here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1264 


Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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Thanks for that. I believe we have fixed this issue in our beta that was just released. Would you mind trying the following?

  1. Install Malwarebytes and deactivate the trial/premium mode (you want to be in free, which should stop the blue screens)
  2. Go to Settings -> Application and scroll to the very bottom
  3. Turn on the option for Beta Application Updates
  4. Scroll back to the top, and wait 5 minutes before clicking Install Application Updates
    1. If it says no updates available, wait another 5 minutes and repeat until you get the new update
  5. Once the update comes through, activate your product back to Premium and make sure Web Protection turns on (that's the module causing the issue here)
  6. Use the computer as normal
  7. If the blue screen comes back, please get the memory dump at c:\windows\memory.dmp (we don't need the minidumps).
    1. You can also just disable Web Protection under Settings -> Protection so you can stay protected without having to fully remove the product
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Thanks. I see that version number. I'll run some tests tonight and let you know if it crashes again.

I remember Malwarebytes causing BSOD when used with Bitdefender back in 2016. I really wish Malwarebytes can sort these BSOD issues out ASAP as I can't really risk my system getting corrupted due to the crashes, or losing data while I'm working.

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19 hours ago, dcollins said:

Thanks for that. I believe we have fixed this issue in our beta that was just released. Would you mind trying the following?

  1. Install Malwarebytes and deactivate the trial/premium mode (you want to be in free, which should stop the blue screens)
  2. Go to Settings -> Application and scroll to the very bottom
  3. Turn on the option for Beta Application Updates
  4. Scroll back to the top, and wait 5 minutes before clicking Install Application Updates
    1. If it says no updates available, wait another 5 minutes and repeat until you get the new update
  5. Once the update comes through, activate your product back to Premium and make sure Web Protection turns on (that's the module causing the issue here)
  6. Use the computer as normal
  7. If the blue screen comes back, please get the memory dump at c:\windows\memory.dmp (we don't need the minidumps).
    1. You can also just disable Web Protection under Settings -> Protection so you can stay protected without having to fully remove the product

Just randomly crashed (wasn't even running stress tests) while I was in the restroom. This is getting quite frustrating.
Memory Dump https://we.tl/t-V3r646yaZ1

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Yep, definitely looks upgraded. But the memory dump does show that it was still the old driver, so I wonder if it hadn't fully upgraded before the crash happened. Can you try enabling Web Protection, leave it running, and using the support tool again? This should give us the running driver version and verify the latest version is installed now.

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8 minutes ago, dcollins said:

Yep, definitely looks upgraded. But the memory dump does show that it was still the old driver, so I wonder if it hadn't fully upgraded before the crash happened. Can you try enabling Web Protection, leave it running, and using the support tool again? This should give us the running driver version and verify the latest version is installed now.

So use the support tool after another crash? Or right now with web protection running.

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Thanks for working with us on this and showing some patience as we try to figure out what's going on. The latest dump does indeed show you're on the beta, but unfortunately doesn't have quite enough information to fully grasp what's happening. If you wouldn't mind, can you please do the following to get us a bit more information about what's happening?

  1. Open Malwarebytes, and go to Settings -> Application.
  2. Scroll down a bit and enable the option for Event Log Data
    1. This will turn on enhanced logging our internal Malwarebytes logs
  3. Download and extract the attached RUNME.zip
  4. Right click on RUNME.bat inside the extracted folder and choose Run as Administrator
  5. Choose Option 1 and press Enter
    1. This will enable driver verifier for our web protection module and turn on a complete memory dump instead of just a kernel memory dump
  6. Reboot 
  7. Turn on Web Protection, and use your computer as normal until it crashes
  8. Once it does, please zip up the memory.dmp file again and upload it to wetransfer.com and provide the link
  9. Please also provide a new set of Support Tool logs. If you could also let us know what type of stuff you're doing when the crash happens, that would be very helpful. IE: playing a game, browsing the internet, etc
  10. Once completed, you can then redo steps 4, 5 and 6, but this time choose Option 2 to change things back to how you had them.

I realize this is a lot to ask, and we really do appreciate you sticking through this with us. One of our QA managers should be reaching out to you via email shortly for your diligence in helping.


Edited by dcollins
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4 hours ago, dcollins said:

Thanks for working with us on this and showing some patience as we try to figure out what's going on. The latest dump does indeed show you're on the beta, but unfortunately doesn't have quite enough information to fully grasp what's happening. If you wouldn't mind, can you please do the following to get us a bit more information about what's happening?

  1. Open Malwarebytes, and go to Settings -> Application.
  2. Scroll down a bit and enable the option for Event Log Data
    1. This will turn on enhanced logging our internal Malwarebytes logs
  3. Download and extract the attached RUNME.zip
  4. Right click on RUNME.bat inside the extracted folder and choose Run as Administrator
  5. Choose Option 1 and press Enter
    1. This will enable driver verifier for our web protection module and turn on a complete memory dump instead of just a kernel memory dump
  6. Reboot 
  7. Turn on Web Protection, and use your computer as normal until it crashes
  8. Once it does, please zip up the memory.dmp file again and upload it to wetransfer.com and provide the link
  9. Please also provide a new set of Support Tool logs. If you could also let us know what type of stuff you're doing when the crash happens, that would be very helpful. IE: playing a game, browsing the internet, etc
  10. Once completed, you can then redo steps 4, 5 and 6, but this time choose Option 2 to change things back to how you had them.

I realize this is a lot to ask, and we really do appreciate you sticking through this with us. One of our QA managers should be reaching out to you via email shortly for your diligence in helping.


Woah. Okay. I've done all this, and now waiting until it crashes. Generally, the BSOD happens sporadically when just using the computer normally - but I will run a stress test overnight, which seems to always trigger the crash with Web protection On.

I'll update tomorrow likely.

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21 hours ago, dcollins said:

Thanks for working with us on this and showing some patience as we try to figure out what's going on. The latest dump does indeed show you're on the beta, but unfortunately doesn't have quite enough information to fully grasp what's happening. If you wouldn't mind, can you please do the following to get us a bit more information about what's happening?

  1. Open Malwarebytes, and go to Settings -> Application.
  2. Scroll down a bit and enable the option for Event Log Data
    1. This will turn on enhanced logging our internal Malwarebytes logs
  3. Download and extract the attached RUNME.zip
  4. Right click on RUNME.bat inside the extracted folder and choose Run as Administrator
  5. Choose Option 1 and press Enter
    1. This will enable driver verifier for our web protection module and turn on a complete memory dump instead of just a kernel memory dump
  6. Reboot 
  7. Turn on Web Protection, and use your computer as normal until it crashes
  8. Once it does, please zip up the memory.dmp file again and upload it to wetransfer.com and provide the link
  9. Please also provide a new set of Support Tool logs. If you could also let us know what type of stuff you're doing when the crash happens, that would be very helpful. IE: playing a game, browsing the internet, etc
  10. Once completed, you can then redo steps 4, 5 and 6, but this time choose Option 2 to change things back to how you had them.

I realize this is a lot to ask, and we really do appreciate you sticking through this with us. One of our QA managers should be reaching out to you via email shortly for your diligence in helping.


Okay, you can download the memory dump here https://igniteon.com/pub/MEMORY.zip (can't use wetransfer due to the 2gb limit)  . Keep in mind that I have 64Gigs of RAM so... yeah... Attaching the log files to this post.

Generally, I'm instigating these crashes by running a stress test (OCCT). And yes, I've ran it without web protection, and it passes for days. But even when not running a stress test, it would BSOD randomly. Sometimes while just idle on desktop (idle while in the bathroom for example), sometimes just light browsing (crashed while youtube, and just google searching), sometimes light gaming (has crashed while playing League of Legends). There's no specific activity that seems to trigger it.


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