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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Root Admin

Hello @NickeyM and :welcome:

Very sorry for the delay. Looks like your topic was overlooked. I've had a look at the logs and your COMODO Cloud Antivirus is crashing and not sure if it's due to a conflict with our program or something else on the system as many other services are also crashing, possibly as a result or those crashes may be crashing COMODO Cloud Antivirus.

Let me have you try doing a clean removal and reinstall of Malwarebytes and see if that helps correct the issue or not.


Please download the Malwarebytes Support Tool and use it to do a Clean Removal and reinstall of Malwarebytes

  • Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder/location of the downloaded file
  • Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
    • You may be prompted by the User Account Control (UAC) to allow changes to be made to your computer. Click Yes to consent.
  • Place a check-mark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next
  • Click the Advanced menu on the left.

  • Click the CLEAN button

  • A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed to remove Malwarebytes from your computer
  • Upon completion, click OK
  • Follow the onscreen prompts to reboot and reinstall Malwarebytes

Then let me know if you're still having issues getting Malwarebytes to start or BSOD.




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Thanks, Ron. I tried the Clean uninstall, unfortunately with the same result. Instant bluescreen, same Kernel Security Check Failure error message. It looks like anything I try to do with MB – uninstall, update,  or install – crashes the computer. 

I added the Comodo program because Windows Defender will no longer start, and although neither Comodo nor MB scans detect any threats, the now added problem with Malware Bytes makes it look like something sinister is going on.

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It looks like you're a little out of date. Let's start by getting the latest version installed, which has a fix for a known Blue Screen. If you can get the computer to boot, you can simply install the latest version from https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3 over top of your existing installation. If the computer doesn't boot, first go to Safe Mode and uninstall Malwarebytes. Then reboot back to normal mode and install the latest version.

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