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I received this today and VERIZON SUPPORT CONFIRMED


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I received this today and VERIZON SUPPORT CONFIRMED IT IS A SCAM, AND NOT TO FOLLOW IT THROUGH. I thought I would share it here. I was on their support chat with my REAL VERIZON WEBPAGE AND THEY CONFIRMED VERIZON DID NOT SEND THIS OUT.


Your Email changes is processing.

Dear Valued Customer,
As a result of recent changes to our Email storage and filtering , we request that you give us your Consent so this changes will take effect on your account on or before October 12, 2018. 
This is REQUIRED for all Verizon.net email users and if we do not receive your authorization for this updates to take effect, we may temporarily pause incoming messages until we receive your authorization. Follow here to consent on updates> MyAuthorization

In addition, in My Verizon you will be prompted to sign in, wait until consent is Received before navigating/closing the authorization interface.

Thank you for selecting Verizon Wireless.

P.S. Confirmation letters and other notifications can also be found in the -Change Notification- section of My Verizon's My Documents & Receipts page.

© 2018 Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless | One Verizon Way | Mail Code: 180WVB | Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
We respect your privacy. Please review our privacy policy for more information
about click activity with Verizon Wireless and links included in this email.

This email was sent to XXXXXXXXXXXX

ID: 73956.12.0-49F69E28-AA76-FAC6-0949-DFEA2A5783A6 

Edited by dcollins
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