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Not sure if this is the right place really, so apologies if this post is off target.

I've been trying to reach someone about a hphosts listing, but my support forum account request for that site remains in status, "Your account has not been activated yet".  I have emailed support@it-mate.co.uk to request removal, but have gotten no response so far.     These may not be Malwarebytes forum's scope to correct, but when I search remove HPhosts it seems this forum is perhaps the way to go, and at this point I'm out of ideas.

hpHosts lists the following sites/server IP, from hits in January.  We believe this site to have been remediated some time ago, would it be possible to verify and remove from hpHosts please or provide some guidance as to what is causing its continued listing, or could someone direct me to a better contact?




19/01/2018 12:49:43




19/01/2018 12:30:31

Thanks for your time



Edited by Zynthesist
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