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Scheduled scan doesn't run when missed

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I have my weekly scheduled scan task created exactly the same on five computers.  All will run the scan even if the scheduled time is missed (due to recover missed tasks being selected), except on one.  It will not run the scan if it is missed.  I even deleted the scheduled task and recreated and the same thing is happening.  Frustrating.  Please don't request logs, etc.  This is a brand new computer with nothing on it but this program, CCleaner and browsers.

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Unfortunately without any sort of logs all we can do is speculate as to what may be causing the issue so all we can offer are guesses, and while unlikely, a conflict, corruption or system issue (which may easily be revealed within one of the diagnostic logs we request normally) is absolutely a possibility, even on a brand new system with a fresh Windows installation.  Not only that, but it would also reveal what Malwarebytes' own logs show during the startup and shutdown phases which might reveal an issue, either with Malwarebytes itself, or with the system that could be causing the problem.

Now, with all of that said, if the computer is running Windows 10 or Windows 8 then it is possible that a feature called Fast Startup is responsible.  This is because Fast Startup doesn't shut down the computer properly and instead keeps certain parts of the system's registry hives, drivers and processes stored in memory rather than completely unloading/terminating them and loading them up fresh on boot.  This is one possible cause of the scheduled scans' failure to run, however not the only one of course.  You can find out if Fast Startup is enabled and disable it to see if it helps by reviewing the information found on this page.  If enabled, you may try disabling it to see if that corrects the issue.

Next, you can tell us any other security software you have installed, such as antivirus, HIPS applications/behavior blockers etc. or startup program managers (if any) as any of these might also be the cause or you may simply try disabling or removing any such applications temporarily to see if i helps and go from there.

Other than that, the only other possibility I can think of without any further info would be that perhaps it is an issue with how the system starts up and the loading order of drivers, services and processes which is somehow hindering Malwarebytes from launching the scheduled scan on boot.  Basically, if the system is not ready when Malwarebytes attempts to start the scan, it will not retry to perform the scan again and will simply log the failure (assuming its service is running to log it at the time) and will await the next scheduled time for the scan to execute the following week before trying to scan again.  Resolving an issue like this could be possible by opening Services.msc (click START and type services.msc and it should show up) and locating the Malwarebytes Service and configuring it to Automatic (Delayed Start).  That will make Malwarebytes wait longer before loading when the system boots, increasing the likelihood that the system will be ready when Malwarebytes starts and attempts the scan.

If none of that is helpful and you would still prefer not to post any logs publicly then you may contact Malwarebytes Support directly to work with them privately to seek a resolution to the issue.  They may be contacted via the options found on this page.

I hope this helps.  If here is anything else we might assist you with please let us know.


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Five computers are all configured exactly the same in terms of the MBAM scheduled scan, etc. but only this one doesn't run a missed MBAM scan.  The computer is asleep, not shut down so Fast Startup, etc. should not come in to play.  The computer should run the scan when it is next active after a missed scan, as all the others do, but it doesn't.

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OK, so Fast Startup isn't likely the issue, however that doesn't mean that Malwarebytes isn't corrupt somehow.  For example, a problem with registry, file or folder permissions could easily cause a problem with Malwarebytes' configuration files where the settings for scheduled scans are stored so just because it is configured the same way on each system, that does not mean that it will behave the same on each as there could be some kind of problem with the system where it isn't working properly (which obviously must be the case in some way, be it with Malwarebytes itself, the system's OS or hardware, or some third party application on the system since Malwarebytes is only not working correctly on the one system).

As I said though, without any sort of logs there isn't much more I can do to help.  I've given you all of the ideas I can think of as far as general potential causes go, so short of working directly with Malwarebytes Support as I suggested, I really don't know how to proceed in assisting you with this issue.

I really wish that I could offer a solution, but I just don't know what is causing this or how to correct it based on the information provided.  I would advise verifying that Malwarebytes can run a scan by performing one manually if you haven't done so already, and also allowing a scheduled scan to execute on time while the system is running to verify that it is able to.  That will at least somewhat isolate the issue to the scheduler/recovery function or something related to how the system wakes from a sleep state.

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OK, good, so at least that eliminates a couple of possibilities.  The next thing I would look at would be any differences between the system having the problem and the other 4 systems that are not.  Is each version of Windows the same, do they all have the same Windows Updates/service packs etc. installed, do they all have the same third party software (other than Malwarebytes of course) installed, is the hardware identical (down to the manufacturer and model number as well as specific/individual devices and the drivers/driver versions installed), and do they all connect to the internet the same way (i.e. are they all wireless or wired)?  Sometimes discovering the cause of a problem is in determining how an affected system is unique, especially in an environment where you have 4 other systems where the software is operating correctly.  Another thing to check would be whether or not they all are able to run the recovery scan when awoken from sleep mode.

At this point that's pretty much all of the guidance I can offer.  I apologize if it isn't very helpful, but as I said, you are welcome to contact Support directly if you would prefer to have the problem diagnosed in private.

If anyone else has any ideas/suggestions they are welcome to post, but I believe that's all of the assistance I can provide given the information at hand, however as I said, I would recommend contacting Support if you would be more comfortable working privately on the issue (I assume privacy is the reason you would prefer not to provide logs, which is certainly understandable).

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