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Not compatible with windows 10 version 1809

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I've been running Windows 10 Pro x64 1809 for well over a month now on the Insider program. The only issue I've found is the self protection module crash at shutdown with MB Pro 3.6.1    After the installation of 1809, I always left the system alone for 5-10 minutes then restarted, this gives a/v products time to fully register once the restart is complete.  I saw a similar status unavailable message for a different a/v product, which was resolved after a restart.  Windows security settings do seem to take its time to get itself 'sorted' at times.

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3 hours ago, Nirjonadda said:

Malwarebytes Pro Not compatible with windows 10 version 1809, Please give compatible update for windows 10 version 1809




Where are you seeing this. Do your have MBAM set to register with the Action Center? If so you may want to change it to Never register.


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By default (unless you disable them) Malwarebytes will also notify you from the tray whenever it is out of date or any protection component is disabled.  I believe the interval for databases to be considered outdated is around 24 hours and this is the same duration that Security Center/Action Center would use to determine whether it's up to date or not.

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I just tried stopping the various protection and the only one that made a change in the Windows Security report was turning off Malware Protection and MBAM disappeared from the report.. Turning off the other protections made no change .

It is kind of useless having MBAM registered with the Action Center.

Jim ?

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Yep, that's exactly right.  And this is the same reason that when you have a normal AV installed, that if, for example, you disable its HIPS component or some other ancillary protection component included in the product, Windows Security Center/Action Center will most likely not display any notification/prompt or change its status.  It only checks for whatever the vendor reports as the primary "malware protection/detection" component (usually called "virus protection" in most AVs, though some have modernized their terminology and now more accurately refer to it as "malware protection") and whether or not databases are up to date as well as whatever module the vendor reports as their "anti-spyware" component (if they have such a dedicated module and if they are reporting to the Security Center/Action Center as both an AV and AS solution).  The same goes for firewalls for example in Internet Security suites and the like if they have Windows monitoring their firewall status.

It lacks the granular monitoring capabilities to report on modules outside of its very basic 3 types of protection so for a product like Malwarebytes which uses several diverse layers of defense in a single solution/product, Windows' monitoring capabilities aren't really that useful, especially since the Malware Protection component in Malwarebytes really isn't the most proactive/effective component in its arsenal, especially given how prominent exploits are today as a primary infection mechanism for virtually all types of threats now, be they standard Trojans, rootkits, spyware, and of course ransomware, which has also become quite common.

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Excellent, I'm glad that it's working now :)

It could have just been a temporary quirk caused by something such as a corrupt config file or something (whatever it is that Action Center uses to read/display status info; I know Vista used an XML file for Security Center but I believe more modern Windows versions' Action Center feature uses more complicated means of storing/reading/displaying status info, though only a Dev familiar with working with it would know for sure, such as one from a security software vendor who registers with Action Center (like Malwarebytes)).

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  • 1 month later...
8 hours ago, z1haze said:

Did you figure this out?

When that was posted 1809 had been pulled from release by Microsoft, because of bugs.

It is now back on general release.

You can wait for Microsoft to offer it to you as an Automatic update,
You can manually 'Check for Updates' which will download/install the upgrade to 1809. (If your machine is compatible).
You can get it through the Update Assistant at that address in the previous post.

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Just FYI, there is yet another issue with Microsoft's latest Windows 10 update, this time caused by the inclusion of some outdated Intel integrated graphics drivers.

There have also been a few other issues you might want to be aware of before proceeding to install the update if you haven't already:


It seems that perhaps this update is more major than those in the past, likely something in the realm of a major Service Pack release like we got for XP (especially Service Pack 2) and Vista or even to the extent of what was changed in 8.1 (beyond the obvious cosmetic changes, of course).  It seems that a lot is changing under the hood, which would explain why things like the file explorer and hardware drivers are breaking/having issues (problems one would not generally expect to face with a normal security update, for example, but far more likely in a major Service Pack release or new OS version, like going from Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10).  Given the fact that MS has claimed that 10 will be the last version of Windows, it makes sense that over time as the OS ages and new hardware is released, they will have to make changes under the hood that will impact functionality and compatibility with existing hardware and software, so just because it's still called Windows 10 does not mean it's really the same OS under the hood and hardware and software vendors/developers as well as Microsoft will still face the same kinds of issues and technical challenges that they have over the decades since Windows first launched and they began licensing new versions of the OS.

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