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I would like to start off by saying that I kinda think I removed it and cleaned my PC, but here it goes:

I torrented an Microsoft Office activation tool, that was zipped. Now I know that most of those are false positive but this one was a beast. I firstly stopped real time protection with Microsoft Defender and Malwarebytes didn't report anything. The activation was successful but when I activated all security measures the PC literally freaked out. It stopped my services with Microsoft Defender but I was able to start a Malwarebytes scan and quarantine it. In what seems like an hour (but it only took no longer then a minute) the virus multiplied itself in 10 new files and was a "simple" trojan/generic malware/trojan password stealer. Now I am a person that hasn't had a proper virus outbreak in like 3 years and this seemed odd. Malwarebytes was able to remove the files and stop the spreading but it started to connect from outside from a page kikidoyoulobme222.ru (don't click or try to search please). I couldn't stop it at first and had about 200 connection inbound in less then an hour. Then it started showing a certain service that wasn't in its proper folder called "msiexec" which was now put into SystemWOW64 folder instead of System32. I did several threat scans but they got deleted somehow and I really don't know if there is a way to recover them. What do I do now? How can I find you those reports and how do I send the FARBAR info?

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