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Does Malwarebytes block Cookie Loggers?

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A Cookie Logger is a Script that is used to steal anybody’s Cookies and stores it into a Log File from where you can read the Cookies of the Victim. So, if a site is known to have such a feature, then chances are good that the Malwarebytes extension will block it. I doubt that the extension itself has the ability to detect such a threat by itself though. Somebody from staff can probably tell us.

Cookies are used by just about every site on the Internet to store a myriad of information about you and your computer. It all depends on the site you visit and specific details can usually be found in their individual Privacy Policies. Visit BrowserSpy to see what can be revealed about your computer and potentially stored in a cookie. It can tell your location to some degree of specificity from your IP address and/or WiFi network name (SSID). Camera access isn't a cookie thing.

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Malwarebytes will not detect or block cookies. Cookies are not really a threat. For more information about cookies, see:


Note that a website does not need cookies to see your location. Any website you visit - or, for that matter, any app that makes a network connection - can see an approximate location from your IP address. Cookies could be used by a site to track your location over time, of course.

Generally speaking, though, cookies cannot store information that you haven't given them explicitly, or that isn't a part of every network transaction.

Al is correct that the Malwarebytes browser extension beta can block things like trackers, which use cookies to track you across sites. This is not directly blocking cookies, which are often useful, but blocking sites that are using cookies in unethical ways.

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On 9/24/2018 at 4:11 PM, treed said:

Malwarebytes will not detect or block cookies. Cookies are not really a threat. For more information about cookies, see:


Note that a website does not need cookies to see your location. Any website you visit - or, for that matter, any app that makes a network connection - can see an approximate location from your IP address. Cookies could be used by a site to track your location over time, of course.

Generally speaking, though, cookies cannot store information that you haven't given them explicitly, or that isn't a part of every network transaction.

Al is correct that the Malwarebytes browser extension beta can block things like trackers, which use cookies to track you across sites. This is not directly blocking cookies, which are often useful, but blocking sites that are using cookies in unethical ways.

I have installed the Malwarebytes extension both on Firefox and Chrome. Will this extension ever be  available on Safari?

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