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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Staff


We looked at your logs, it looks like you have added the Blu-ray player as a custom shield to be protected by Anti-Exploit. You can disable CALL ROP Gadget Detection (32 bit) for Media Players as a workaround while we wait for the permanent fix to be released.


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Thanks for the reply.

I added the Blu-ray Player to the protected applications because I saw that VLC and Windows media player were already in the list and figured Blu-ray Player is the same type of program.

I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "disable ROP Gadget Detection (32 bit) for Media Players".  How would I do that?  What is ROP Gadget Detection?  What would disabling this do?

So this is a false positive not a real exploit?



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  • Staff

Hi Bill,

This is a False positive and not a real exploit attack. In the Malwarebytes product UI, go to Settings on the left-> Protection Tab on the top -> Click on Advanced Settings under Exploit Protection and Disable the checkbox in RED in the below image, and Hit Apply to disable this FP causing protection.

Return Oriented Programming (ROP) is an exploit technique that malicious actors typically employ to execute code in the target machine. You can understand more on this 


Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.


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