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Chrome Cleaner Pro


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I searched on internet and on the forums here but cound't find what I'm looking for.

I have been using AdwCleaner for a long time, and never found something that couldn't be removed by it.

The problem is this: I removed all malware from the computer with antivirus and antimalware software, everything seemed to be running ok, but as soon as I open Google Chrome, it displays the Chrome Cleaner Pro extension/add-on and 3 more unwanted extensions. If I check the computer with AdwCleaner it does detect the malware and removes it but not completely I guess, since after every restart of the PC as soon as Google Chrome is loaded, those "extensions" appear again, AdwCleaner detects them an removes them but as I said, Google Chrome is unusable since it activates those malware programs over and over. 

So, for now I'm going to remove everything again, remove the "extensions" with AdwCleaner and uninstall Google Chrome to see if that works. If it does I'll post it here but I'm also open to ideas.



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Hello again,

I resetted Chrome to the Default settings, then removed everything (malware).

Then removed every no-needed software from Windows autoruns and services, then restarted the PC.

After the restart I didn't even try to run Chrome, just uninstalled it directly.

Then restarted the PC again, downloaded and installed Chrome (using Firefox), as soon as I ran it the extensions/add-ons are there again, so I removed them again with AdwCleaner.

I restarted de PC, and then renamed the Chrome.exe to fgdfgd.exe and ran it but they keep appearing over and over, now I'm out of ideas. ?

Please help.

This PC is a Gateway running Win8 x64


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Hello asm124 and welcome to Malwarebytes,

Make clean install of Chrome as follows:

If your Chrome Bookmarks are important do this first:

Go to this link: http://www.wikihow.com/Export-Bookmarks-from-Chrome follow the instructions and Export your Bookmarks from Chrome, save to your Desktop or similar. Note the instructions can also be used to Import the bookmarks.....

Continue for a clean install:

Download Chrome installer and save to install later: https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html https://www.google.com/intl/en_usa/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html


Open Chrome and sign into your account, open a new tab and type or copy paste chrome://settings/syncSetup hit enter...

In the new window that opens "Sync everthing" will probably be selected, scroll down to and select "Managed sync data on Google Dashboard"

A new window will open, scroll down to and select "Reset Sync" that will clear synced data from Google Server...

Continue to next step to completely Uninstall Chrome....


Uninstall Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95319?hl=en-GB follow those instructions, ensure the option to "Also delete your browsing data" is selected. <<--- Very important!!

Navigate to C:\Users\Your user name\Appdata\Local from that folder delete the folder named Google (you will need to show hidden files/folders to see the folder Appdata)

For XP that will be My Computer > C:\ Documents and Settings\Your User Name\Application Data\Roaming

How to show hidden files and folders for windows: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/show-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-vista/


Install Google Chrome :


Import your Bookmarks... (instructions in the first step)


Install uBlock Origin for Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en

Does that help...?
Thank you,
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Hello Kevin,

Thank you for your reply.

I did everything you described exactly in that order. Must say that this computer is not mine, is a friend's who asked me to check it. I mention this because I didn't like the idea of connecting my google acct. to an infected PC using Chrome, but I did to solve the problem.

I even changed the other sync option:
Background sync
Not allowing recently closed websites finish sending and receiving data
(or somehting like that, my Chrome is in Spanish language)

Then I deleted the Google folder from Local and Roamming in %appdata%, since it was in both.

Then checked the computer with AdwCleaner, and found no infections, restarted the computer and reinstalled Google as you said.

Sadly the problem is still present. I have to say that when Chrome is not installed, no malware is found, so my suggestion for my friend would be to switch to Firefox, since in my experience it is more stable and reliable.

I contacted Google about the problem but have not get any reply yet (just contacted them about 1 hour ago).

Now, I hope the virus is not in my own Google acctount since it got linked with the infected google Chrome :(

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