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I was having some weird issues I don't normally have with a program a day or two ago and was messing around with things when I realized task manager said my CPU was running at 100%. No matter how many programs I had open or not, it would stay at 100% and it would fluctuate the % certain processes were running at. I did a MalwareBytes scan and it removed some registry things and some malware I think, ran a full scan with Windows Defender and everything came up clean, but didn't fix the issue. Just did a 'Fresh Start' for Windows but also didn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Just in case this is being caused by an infection it would be best to go ahead and get your system checked by one of our malware removal specialists.  They will check your system for threats and help you to get the system cleaned up and hopefully running properly again.  To do so, please read and follow the instructions in this topic and then create a new thread in the malware removal area including the requested logs and information by clicking here and one of our malware removal experts will assist you as soon as one becomes available.

If the issue isn't resolved by that or if they don't find any threats then you may return here to continue troubleshooting the issue if you wish.

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