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Another WeKnow victim

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Hi, so I just followed all the instructions to get rid this Malware from my MacBook, and it's been removed from Safari, deleted Chrome,  I go back to reinstall Google Chrome, and after a fresh install, the WeKnow is still there. I have completely deleted all Google from my MacBook. I didn't even export any of my bookmarks. I wanted to totally get rid of it. Funny thing, I never ever download and install anything on my computer. I had to install what I thought was Flash Player because I needed to access the nursing home that my father is at, and can't on my iPhone, so I assumed it was because of the flash issue. In my distracted state of getting some paperwork together, I decided to just go for it, and install the stupid program instead of waiting, which was against my better judgment. How do I get rid of this crap? I ran the Malwarebytes scan 4 times. It doesn't find the malware, but clearly it's still there. I have no idea what to do. I really would prefer to have Google Chrome as my default browser. I'm getting rid of my iPhone soon, and getting an android, and want the ease of the syncing.

Any help would be appreciated. I am desperate. 


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