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MachineLearning/Anomalous.95% just with a simple Visual Studio program

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I've recently got more into the C# development in Visual Studio and I have discovered something quite annoying. As soon as you create a new project and add a PictureBox that has a gif image in it and you build it, the output executable is detected as MachineLearning/Anomalous.95%. Is there anything that can be done?

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I found a way how to finetune this already which might help in your case, however, I can't promise it will help for all.

This will be applied into next database update.

That's why, if you create a new project and it's with the goal to share later (in public), it's always a good idea to digitally sign the files + make sure there's good versioninfo that reflects your program/project (not from the default that is set by the compiler), as this always helps to prevent False Positives since the engine can learn faster on these. Keep in mind that other AVs (that use a machinelearning engine) would most probably detect this as well if otherwise.


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