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Malwarebytes not compatible with chrome

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If you install the latest version of Malwarebytes from here the message should go away.  A recent Google policy change now prevents security vendors like Malwarebytes from injecting code into the chrome.exe process which means that Malwarebytes and other anti-malware/antivirus programs can no longer protect Chrome as they once did, and in particular this means for Malwarebytes that Chrome will no longer be shielded by the Exploit Protection component which guards against both known and unknown exploits embedded in malicious websites and malicious ads (malvertisements).  Unfortunately this means it will be operating under a reduced level of protection, however with Google's new policy there is no other option at this time.  It will still benefit from the other modules' protection including Web Protection to block known malicious websites, however they are far less proactive than the Exploit Protection component is.

If you would still prefer to use a browser that is shielded by Exploit Protection you may use Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox, or one of the other browsers besides Google Chrome which are based on the same Chromium source code such as SRWare Iron or Vivaldi, both of which share virtually all of the features of Chrome but without this change and without any of Google's embedded tracking and advertising.

You may also install the Malwarebytes browser extension beta if you wish, as it is still compatible with Chrome (and other Chromium browsers) as well as Firefox and includes the same web block database used by Web Protection in Malwarebytes but also adds further capabilities including ad blocking for many ads, tracker blocking to guard your privacy, and behavior based protection against new/unknown tech support scam sites and phishing sites among other enhancements, and it works in tandem with Web Protection in Malwarebytes 3 if you have it (which you obviously do) to help speed up browsing when sties are blocked by Malwarebytes.  You can find out more about the browser extension and download at the following links:


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