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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes 3 Help forum.


If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


If you haven’t already done so, please run the Malwarebytes Support Tool and then attach the logs in your next reply:

NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder/location of the downloaded file
  • Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
    • You may be prompted by User Account Control (UAC) to allow changes to be made to your computer. Click Yes to consent.
  • Place a checkmark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next
  • You will be presented with a page stating, "Welcome to the Malwarebytes Support Tool!"
  • Click the Advanced Options link

    welcome mbst.png
  • Click the Gather Logs button

  • A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed to gather troubleshooting information from your computer
  • Upon completion, click OK
  • A file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop
  • Please attach the file in your next reply. Before submitting your reply, be sure to enable "Notify me of replies" like so:

     notify me.jpeg  

    Click "Reveal Hidden Contents" below for details on how to attach a file:

    To save attachments, please click the link as shown below. You can click and drag the files to this bar or you can click the choose files, then browse to where your files are located, select them and click the Open button.


One of our experts will be able to assist you shortly.


If you are having licensing issues, please do the following: 


For any of these issues:

  • Renewals
  • Refunds (including double billing)
  • Cancellations
  • Update Billing Info
  • Multiple Transactions
  • Consumer Purchases
  • Transaction Receipt

Please contact our support team at https://support.malwarebytes.com/community/consumer/pages/contact-us to get help

If you need help looking up your license details, please head here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1264 


Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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Malwarebytes is deliberately designed to run alongside AV software and other security products so you should be able to run the two of them together in real-time without any issues, but please let us know if you do encounter any problems and we will assist in getting the two of them to work properly together.

To date I have not seen any reports of users having issues running the two, and while SUPERAnti-Spyware isn't as popular as it used to be, at one time it was quite common for paid users of both products to run them together, often alongside a mainstream antivirus product, something both Malwarebytes and SUPERAnti-Spyware were designed to work in tandem with.

If there is anything else we can assist you with please let us know.


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Haven't heard it?  I get around alot..   I'll keep it & look around there forum.   

EDIT:Looked around Google search:   well the old saying Ken, Technology Changes https://www.superantispyware.com/producthistory.html?id=SUPERANTISPYWARE

many people still use it, & some don't,  I might as well since I have a life's key to the software... 73's  mate

Edited by yardbird
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I have 4 lifetime licenses. Moving between password managers, I lost my username & password for the forum only. I finally gave up trying to get new ones

when nothing I tried worked and direct emails to them also went nowhere. When they sold out there were some comments around that the new company was not

very good.

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@KenW  well I did some looking around,  maybe these will help you out?    https://forums.superantispyware.com/index.php?/contact/   (contact forum admin)  form

https://www.superantispyware.com/contact.html   (with phone no.)   I got in the forum 8/26/2018 because I had to remove the lifetime program. but, I take snapshots of the key or copy & paste it in notepad - also put it on a memory stick.     If all else fails, even a password reset?    You can PM me your basic info, I'll send it to an admin over there.... (Wonder if Nick still runs the place?)        good luck,  73's  

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3 hours ago, KenW said:

I have 4 lifetime licenses. Moving between password managers, I lost my username & password for the forum only. I finally gave up trying to get new ones

when nothing I tried worked and direct emails to them also went nowhere. When they sold out there were some comments around that the new company was not

very good.

Indeed, considering that their parent company settled a lawsuit in 2013 in which they used "scareware", I don't think either company is trustworthy.  The parent company was found to have engaged in fraudulent and misleading conduct.

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  • 1 year later...

I have Lifetime Licences for SAS and MB and although I don't run them together , SAS sits quietly on my desktop for occasional use.

In recent days something has been deleting MB files on start up so I've spent sometime scanning for the problem. All  the security software - including mb - showed my computer as clean

Finally I went into the registry to clear all remnants of mb prior to a clean install and was surprised to see references to Malwarebytes under SAS.

I have no idea why that was the case but I've removed SAS as a possible conflict.

Their "Office Address" in Google Street View doesn't match my expectations and I won't be using it again.

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According to the FTC, Support.com is still up to their old tricks to wit:  "In December 2016, a complaint was filed against Support.com and Office Depot alleging their free PC Health Check Program purposely misidentified malware symptoms, and that consumers were then encouraged to purchase repair services. In March 2019, Office Depot agreed to pay $25 million and Support.com agreed to pay $10 million to settle the complaint. Office Depot and Support.com suspended use of the PC Health Check Program in 2016."



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