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Scanning for rootkits

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Enabling the rootkit scan does cause scans to take substantially longer due to the fact that the rootkit scanner/driver performs raw, low level disk and file analysis which is much slower and far more resource intensive.  This is the primary reason that it is disabled by default.  That said, it shouldn't take too long, however that also depends on the type of scan being run.  I would highly recommend only using rootkit scanning when performing a Threat scan because that particular scan type was designed deliberately to look in all of the known locations where malware installs, including rootkits, so enabling rootkit scanning for a custom or full scan will take much longer but will be very unlikely to actually find any active threats/rootkits that the Threat scan would not (particularly since rootkits by their very nature are limited to only installing in specific locations such as the boot partition of the active system drive, the drivers folder under X:\Windows\System32\drivers where "X" is the drive letter of the partition where Windows is installed and a few other areas, all of which are included in the Threat scan when rootkit scanning is enabled.

With that said, other software running on the system may also slow things up such as other antivirus/anti-malware software or other disk or system monitoring software.  And of course if the system is currently infected, that can also slow things down.  In these cases it might help if you were to boot into Safe Mode and try the scan there to see if it is able to complete more quickly, but only as a last resort as it is far easier for Malwarebytes to identify threats when they are active, running in normal mode (though specifically with regards to rootkits it doesn't likely make much difference if any as they should still be evident to the scanner even in Safe Mode).

If you are performing a Threat scan and it is taking a long time, then please do follow the instructions above from Firefox as that will help us to try and figure out what might be causing the problem.

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