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Good morning from the eastern USA, been a subscriber to MBAM for a couple of years and used the free product as a second opinion scanner for years, not a professional virus/infection guy, just a competent user and family 'go to' its broken, fix it guy.


I recently reviewed my defense in depth decisions and reduced to default installation of MBAM with Microsoft Defender active on my Windows 10 machine.



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I do like MBAM... I have my occasional issues, like a quick popup that MBAM is inactive, but I think that is Windows 10 playing games not MBAM.. Also every now and again they tweak something that causes MBAM to go crazy, but overall, yes I firmly agree that MBAM is excellent protection with a small footprint, which I love as I like to be able to play games without my PC being impacted by my safety software. 


Kind of like the good old days of the late nineties when windows defrag used to kick in and cripple your computer for 2 or 3 hours any old time it wanted... and many users myself included invested in third party defrag because it was so bad :)


These days with the financial bad actors out there and the stakes of the game are huge and MBAM has kept me and my family safe far as I can tell. Which is about the best one can hope for.

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Malwarebytes has spread.  They now have offices in Clearwater Florida and Talin Estonia, not just CA.  They're diversifying their bases of operation as they move into the next phase of their master plan to take over the world, muahahahahahaahahaaaaa!

Next step: raise clone armies of hamster shock troops and penguin naval soldiers with implanted control chips to unleash upon the populous

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1 hour ago, exile360 said:

Next step: raise clone armies of hamster shock troops and penguin naval soldiers with implanted control chips to unleash upon the populous


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