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Malwarebytes Free: Scheduled scan and sleeping Mac

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I have a question about the newly implemented scheduled scan feature when using Malwarebytes Free. 

The complimentary scheduled monthly scan will happen on the same day of each month and at the same time. What happens if the Mac is asleep (not turned off, just asleep) on that date and at that time?

- Will Malwarebytes wake up the Mac to proceed with the scan?

- Or will the scheduled scan be delayed and happen on waking the Mac?  

- Or none of the above?




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I haven't had this feature long enough to test it, but if it works the same way that other 3rd party scheduled events do.

- If the Mac is asleep at that time, it will not wake up to scan, but will take place when you awaken it.

- If the Mac is shut down at the time, then that scan will be skipped.

I'm sure the staff will tell us if I'm wrong.

Edited by alvarnell
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2 minutes ago, alvarnell said:

I haven't had this feature long enough to test it, but if it works the same way that other 3rd part scheduled events do.

- If the Mac is asleep at that time, it will not wake up to scan, but will take place when you awaken it.

- If the Mac is shut down at the time, then that scan will be skipped.

I'm sure the staff will tell us if I'm wrong.

Gee Al, that was fast ?

Thanks a lot, I'll wait and see if the staff confirms this.



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for the experience I have had so far if the expected time has passed when the Mac is powered up, it scans. At least so it happens with the premium version: I assume that even if the deadlines are more distant from each other (a month in fact), it does not change. To the staff the sentence ...

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