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What file can I remove to prevent popup for new version?

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I have been very pleased with my purchase of Malwarebytes except for 1 thing.  I get a frequent, annoying popup advising me of a new update.  The problem is that I have windows XP and the update will not install.  What is the location of the file causing the popup so I can remove it?  I tried removing the .exe  file that installs the program but that did not work.

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To turn off that notification, you can follow the details here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2465

That being said, if you are getting that prompt, it means an application update is available, even for XP. We have newer updates that don't apply to XP, but you won't get prompted to install those. If you'd like to solve that issue, please provide the logs mentioned in the following thread:


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