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MachineLearning/Anomalous.97% Atex Brawl


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Hello Malwarebytes Team,

I just downloaded a game off steam called Atex Brawl. Every time I try and run the game, Malewarebytes detects and quarantines a file, calling it MachineLearning/Anomalous.97%

I've tried restoring the files myself and restarting my computer, but malwarebytes still quarantines the file.


Atex Brawl Machine Learning.txt


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Thanks. I looked at the file. This is detected by our MachineLearning engine, which helps to protect even better against 0day threats. Unfortunately, as this is a heuristic engine, it's possible False Positives happen. Thanks for reporting these, as this helps to finetune the engine, so these won't be detected in the future anymore.

This should be fixed by now. Please give it some time (max 10 minutes) in order to have it populate, so detection won't happen anymore.

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If the heuristic engine believes , with 97% confidence, that the specified file is malicious when in fact it is not, what value can add overall to the detection strategy???

Why persisting with this "machine learning" which seems to be a total failure???


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Hi Lock,

I appreciate your input. As a matter of fact, our heuristic engine adds a lot of value to the detection strategy, as we block a lot more malware. The FP rate as opposed to actual valid detections is minimal based on our statistics + much lower than some of our competitors who use machinelearning as well.

As I pointed out in above, with Machinelearning, false positives can always happen, but that's how it learns from it to improve its engine. This is what Machinelearning is all about.

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Hi there,

I'm actually one of the developers for Atex Brawl (the game in question). Is there anyone I contact, or anything I can reference for why malwarebytes may be detecting our game as malicious? 

It's been brought up by a few of our community members, but the game contains no machine learning of any sort. The engine is Unity3d (very commonly used in the games industry), and we use Photon Unity Networking for our multiplayer.



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19 hours ago, miekiemoes said:

The FP rate as opposed to actual valid detections is minimal based on our statistics + much lower than some of our competitors who use machinelearning as well.

FP's to be called "minimal" have to be in the range of 20%-50% confidence.

When the machine learning classifies something as malicious with a probability of 97% when in fact it is not, is hard to say that " FP rate as opposed to actual valid detections is minimal "

Just look on this forum! You can continue to add all reported items to the "white list" but this is a futile exercise; is like trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. I bet there are thousand of users who do not report the "Anomalous detection FPs"

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What you don't see is our stats which i cant share unfortunately. The very high amount of malware this detects to the very low amount of False positives is overwhelming. And it detects them zero day without having to have a definition. We are keeping a close eye on this and the protection it offers far outweighs the amount of false positives we see.

The false positives get less and less as the algorithm learns. 

You are only basing what you see in the forums. We have hard stats that tells us what is going on and if it was out of control we would do what we need to.



Edited by shadowwar
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13 minutes ago, shadowwar said:

What you don't see is our stats which i cant share unfortunately.

Why not? MBAM  was proud to post a link in which we can see MBAM protection working on PC's with another antivirus installed, see here:


If the stats are so impressive, why not share with the users???? Any way, would be the only stats ever provided regarding MBAM efficiency...


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