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My father unistalled malwarebytes and i reinstalled it becouse i need it. Now there is the icon on the bottom right but i can't open the form, i tried unistalling again with mb-clean and tried using mb chameleon but it only start with it and using a really old version. I've got a file so look at it i don't know the service disappeard too so :(





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I really don’t know a lot about the specific workings of MalwareBytes installation/ work routines.

id suggest posting this over in the MalwareBytes 3 Support Forum

Good luck!

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I cant move it. Don’t have the permissions to do so. 

I suggest you just leave this and start another post in that forum

if youre dead set on deleting this post, send a medsage to a moderator or admin

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From the looks of it, you used a very old version of mb-clean. I'd recommend using our newer Malwarebytes Support Tool which is greatly improved. Instructions for this are below:

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and then click the blue Advanced Options link on the main page
  3. Click Clean and let the process reboot your computer
  4. After rebooting, the program will start again and then ask to re-install

If that doesn't work, please gather a new set of logs, also using the Support Tool

  1. Run the Malwarebytes Support Tool you downloaded above
  2. Click the blue Advanced Options link on the main page
  3. Click Gather Logs on the advanced page and let the process finish
  4. Once completed, please attach the mbst-grab-results.zip from your desktop to your reply
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