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Safe Browsing Scanner Question

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After activating Malwarebytes Safe Browsing, I got a warning saying Malwarebytes Safe Browsing Scanner collects all of the text you type, except passwords. This includes personal data such as credit card numbers. It can also collect data about your interactions with this tablet.

So am I understanding this right? If I type my Credit Card number thru this tablet, it goes straight to Malewarebytes if the Safe Browsing Scanner is on? Someone tell me I have this wrong. If not, who would want this on their mobile?

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Hey GuillX,

Don't worry, the pop-up is misleadingly scary in this case!

Whenever you accept any kind of permission on Android, Google gives you the worst-case scenario. The pop-up you are seeing is actually saying "it is possible this feature could allow malwarebytes to see sensitive information" - it's not saying that the app does it.

In fact the Safe Browsing Service is not collecting any sensitive information at all. The scanner only looks for patterns which are URL's and then checks if they are dangerous to you. When it is finished, it forgets everything. The only thing that ever gets recorded is the malicious URL to show in the history if it blocks something - so that you can see it on the scanner page.

So just to repeat - the Safe Browsing Service would not even recognise a credit card number, so it would completely ignore it and it collects nothing!

Edited by ncar
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