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Great Chat Support

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I hope someone from Malwarebytes can pass on this "Atta Boy" to Phil, a Malwarebytes chat service agent!

I'm an old guy, (pushing 80) so.......   I got wrapped the axle yesterday trying to resolve the number of Malwarebytes licenses I own. It was making my head swim.

I clumsily stated my issue on the chat system to "Phil" who quickly sorted out the problem and resolved the issue. The resolution included cancelling the order I had just placed for another license because I already had an unused one. Big sigh of relief followed!!

Good job Phil, and thanks to you and Malwarebytes for providing GREAT service - Best, IM?

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3 hours ago, Imageman200 said:

I hope someone from Malwarebytes can pass on this "Atta Boy" to Phil, a Malwarebytes chat service agent!

I'm an old guy, (pushing 80) so.......   I got wrapped the axle yesterday trying to resolve the number of Malwarebytes licenses I own. It was making my head swim.

I clumsily stated my issue on the chat system to "Phil" who quickly sorted out the problem and resolved the issue. The resolution included cancelling the order I had just placed for another license because I already had an unused one. Big sigh of relief followed!!

Good job Phil, and thanks to you and Malwarebytes for providing GREAT service - Best, IM?

Thanks for sharing this! @PhilStophas been given a proper "Atta Boy" by our team here! 

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