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Another Real Time Protection problem

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I posted this topic yesterday and received the automatic response so I searched for the file showing what might have happened but lost the file.  I tried using the support tool again but no fi;le appeared.  I'll submit the item again to see if a new version of the tool will give me the file to send



I have Malwarebytes Premium running alongside Kasperdky Internet Security.. I have lifetime protection also.For the past few weeks a new problem has arisen so that every Saturday (always Saturday) afternoon a pop up appears telling me Real Time Protetion is not running and I am not fully protected.

I can fix the problem by u uninstalling Malwarebytes, restarting rte the laptop, reinstalling Malwarebytes free version and then entering the ID and Key.  All will be well until next Saturday.

This is annoying but soon I will  have exceeded the number of times and I can enter the ID and Key and will have to start another lengthy process to get the ID and Key  restarted,  Could the problems be related to using Malwarebytes and Kaspersky together as has been suggested in another query?

Any help would be appreciated.  Mick






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I am going to have to give up  I can see a zipfile but it will not move.  If I open the  zip file and try to attach it ut simply sits on top and will not become part of the reply.  If I type the letters 'mb' into the windows search box a zip file named 'mbst-grab-resuts' appears but the file will not move. I simply cannot find a way to move this Zip file.  Thanks for your help but this is beyond my knowledge when it comed to computers.

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Afte se eral weeks of having the Real Time Protection loss eavery Saturday nothing happened last Saturday.  I'm hoping that the problem has been solved but I;m still concerned.  It might just be that what was happening has stopped or simply didn;t happen this time.  I will keep and eye on things but I will know if it does happen of course.  Thank you for your your help with this, it is very much appreciated.  Mick

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In your Kaspersky, do you have the bottom box enabled as shown on this page below, the one titled: Search for software that is intended to conceal traces that is intended to conceal traces of a malicious program in the system (rootkits)https://support.kaspersky.com/12993. If so, please disable that, it is known to cause this type of issue.

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54 minutes ago, dcollins said:

In your Kaspersky, do you have the bottom box enabled as shown on this page below, the one titled: Search for software that is intended to conceal traces that is intended to conceal traces of a malicious program in the system (rootkits)https://support.kaspersky.com/12993. If so, please disable that, it is known to cause this type of issue.

Yes my Kaspersky settings in the 'Performance' (box1) and box 2 are exactly as your diagram shows. I have unticked the rootkit one as you suggest but, as far as I know the rootkit search is still set as on in in Scan opttions in the Malwarebytes protection settings.  Will it be alright to leave that?   To be honest I'm not really sure what rootkits are but I read that it was a good udes to seach for them (in Computeractive magazine along time ago).

Thanks, Mick

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Yes, leaving the rootkit scanning enabled in Malwarebytes is fine. What's happening here, and why you only see this randomly, is that Malwarebytes is trying to perform an update during the middle of a Kaspersky scan. For some reason, Kaspersky doesn't like this, and prevents our driver from loading, which causes this issue. Disabling their rootkit scanning solves the issue. If you want to learn more about rootkits, you can check out our explanation here: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/detections/rootkit/

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Dear Devin

Thank you for sorting out the problem and hopefull I won't get the popus again.  Rootkits on a system look like a pretty horrible problem and the removal process difficult.  Thank you for the rootkit  explanation and I actually understood it.  Well, some of it!

Thanks again and I'll try not to troible you for a awhile.  Best wishes, Mick.

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