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Best Practices Guide for Endpoint Protection

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Is there a best practices guide for Malwarebytes Endpoint Protection? 

Our weekly deep scans are running for hours and I am concerned that our scan settings are overly onerous.

Our scans are scheduled to run Friday at 12:01 a.m however the scan doesn't seems to run until a user logs into their computers.

We are scanning memory objects, startup and reg, within archives, rootkits.  Should we quarantine found threats automatically?


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Thanks for following up @djacobson with your answer, this is good advice. 

a best practices guide would be ideal so customers like me can proactively get these answers on our own without having to post to the forum. 

I believe your other products have such a guide, isn't Endpoint Protection your top package?  Shouldn't it get the same love?


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There's isn't anything like that really, help with approaching scans and removal is most often support staff advice from what we see and know about that program combined with the experiences of customers we help. There is a best practice guide for MBMC, but that is about setting up your server which host's the management side of the on-premises product version. Maybe a compilation of some support staff tips and tricks in a sticky thread might scratch that itch.

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