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Malwarebytes and macOS Mojave 10.14

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Message to Thomas
I'm testing macOS Mojave Public Beta Version available since today; Malwarebytes installed before the beta update works correctly in all of its functions except that when I am notified of the presence of a new version ( the upgrade procedure is blocked and the software does not restart, thus failing to do so update (and I do not know where to download the pkg of version;
if you can help me I would be useful (I state that Mojave is installed on secondary partition and not on the system in official use).
Thank you in advance
A greeting



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The NDA you agreed to (Apple Beta Software Agreement) does not allow you to contact 3rd party developers about problems with their software. It also precludes discussion of any issues in a public forum, such as this. Developers agree to similar terms, so you may not get a satisfactory answer here.

Apple wants you to give them feedback first, so that they can check to see if the problem is due to something they have changed in the OS. If they determine that it's something that the developer needs to change in order to be compatible, they have said they will contact the developer to let them know.

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  • Staff

I can say that we've observed issues with our Endpoint Protection software on the Mojave beta, but haven't seen any issues with the consumer software. We'll investigate the updating.

However, it's important to point out that behavior of initial macOS betas shouldn't be taken as gospel. It's not uncommon for problems to appear with third-party software in early betas and for them to be resolved in future betas. As such, we cannot guarantee proper behavior of our software on macOS betas. We will continue investigating, of course, and take any needed action once the betas have stabilized a bit.

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