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I have the latest MWB installed and every so often when I got to a certain site, I get this message that tells me a website has been blocked and I would LOVE to know how to TURN IT OFF.
I am so glad that MWB blocks the risky site but, I REALLY don't need to know about it EVERY time it sees it? If does it on many sites and I am over it. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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Your only option would likely be to disable Malwarebytes tray notifications.  To do this, open Malwarebytes and navigate to Settings>Application and locate the Notifications section then click the switch below the Show Malwarebytes notifications in the Windows System Tray so that it is set to the Off position.  Just be aware that this will also disable many other kinds of notifications, however if anything critical comes up such as a failure of one or more of the components of Malwarebytes real-time protection, you will still receive a notification about it so it shouldn't cause any problems.

Please let me know if that resolves the issue for you or not and if there's anything else we might assist you with.

Thanks :) 

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HI pendaws:

It might still be worthwhile to collect and post the Malwarebytes Support Tool logs as instructed in post # 2.  The website block shown in your original post looks like it's for the latest Opera v53 browser, and this might be a false positive (e.g., Web Protection is preventing Opera from running legitimate auto-update checks for your browser) or you might have some PUP like adware or a browser re-director infecting your browser.  If you run a MB Threat Scan and it doesn't detect any threats on your system then the details in your diagnostic logs might have more information about the IP address or  domain name that Web Protection is blocking.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.8.1 * Norton Security Premium v22.14.2.13 * MB Premium v3.5.1.2522-1.0.365

Edited by lmacri
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I had a question very similar to the OP's. I'm happy to know that Malwarebyes is protecting me from harmful websites and connections, but I don't need to know about the same one over and over again. I do NOT want to disable notifications! I suggest that Malwarebytes make it possible for end users to turn off notifications for a given website, or, perhaps better still, have the notification appear only once per day, or once per computer session.

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2 hours ago, whatmeworry? said:

I had a question very similar to the OP's. I'm happy to know that Malwarebyes is protecting me from harmful websites and connections, but I don't need to know about the same one over and over again. I do NOT want to disable notifications! I suggest that Malwarebytes make it possible for end users to turn off notifications for a given website, or, perhaps better still, have the notification appear only once per day, or once per computer session.

The trouble with that is frequent duplicate web blocks could indicate some other underlying problem, such as the presence of a Trojan downloader or some other form of malware so showing each only once might actually do more harm than good.  That said, I have suggested in the past that they aggregate duplicate web blocks into fewer notifications by showing a counter of how many times the same IP/URL has been blocked during the current session (i.e. Blocked www.badwebsite.com 2 times, Blocked www.badwebsite.com 10 times etc.) to reduce the number of pop-ups while still informing the user of the frequent blocks but I don't know what their plans are at this point.

If you have any more suggestions I'd recommend posting them here as that's where the team monitors for feature requests and feedback.

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