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Who is deciding what gets released in each months updates?  Other than stability improvements, none of the updates in the last 6+ months have had any new features that I care about.  I really want to see when things were scanned last, easily, without having to click on every client.  This way I know easily when things aren't working.  I want systems to scan if they missed a scan time.  I have a whole long list that I've sent in before about all of my wish-list items, but those 2 things are truly the only things I care about and I consider fairly important, as others have asked for it too. 


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Hey Rob, while I cannot speak for the product managers or the development team, I just want you to know I appreciate your contributions to our B2B forum; you've given great feedback, especially following the Jan 27th FP and around helping to spur the creation of the upcoming cloud announcements sticky thread. I'll bring some extra attention to your question here.

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Hi Rob,

As Dyllon mentioned, we do appreciate the feedback you, and all of our customers, provide as it does help us prioritize when we implement features. Ultimately, our Project Managers are the ones who make the decisions of what features get implemented and when it happens, but their direction is impacted by quite a few channels. Not only do we get feedback on this forums site, but we also look at our support tickets, market feedback, time to develop, how much impact the feature has, and even more. Combining all of this together and determining the best direction for the entire product is what the Project Manager is for and they take all of these factors in to account.

Although you may not see it, your feedback is being reviewed and assessed. Please don't take the lack of implementation as lack of care, we really do appreciate all the feedback you've provided and encourage you to keep doing so.

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