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It seems as if something keeps disabling my Malwarebytes Premium.

At first I noticed it just wouldn't open at all.

Then I discovered I could open MWB while the system was freshly booted, but soon after that I would get a pop-up message that says "Real -Time Protection turned off" along with options to "Manage Protection Settings" or "Turn On." However, clicking the options did nothing. It was unresponsive and once again I couldn't open, uninstall, reinstall or do anything with MWB.

Then I "allowed" MWB through Windows Defender MWB (mbam.exe) and any other MWB executable it would accept, and after a reboot it seemed like I was out of the woods. The scheduled scan even ran at the designated time last night.

THEN this afternoon I got one of those infernal "Windows Update" things that there's no option to refuse, and ever since that completed I'm back to a Malwarebytes Premium that won't open, won't uninstall, won't reinstall and won't do anything -- Only NOW I can't even open it while the system is freshly booted or booting. NOTHING.


Edited by Contontos
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Hello and Welcome!

Should you run into any other issues, then provided the logs below so someone on the team can review them.

If you haven’t already done so, please run the Malwarebytes Support Tool and then attach the logs in your next reply:
NOTE: The tools and the information obtained is safe and not harmful to your privacy or your computer, please allow the programs to run if blocked by your system.

  • Download Malwarebytes Support Tool
  • Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder/location of the downloaded file
  • Double-click mb-support-X.X.X.XXXX.exe to run the program
    • You may be prompted by User Account Control (UAC) to allow changes to be made to your computer. Click Yes to consent.

  • Place a checkmark next to Accept License Agreement and click Next
  • You will be presented with a page stating, "Welcome to the Malwarebytes Support Tool!"
  • Click the Advanced Options link
  • Click the Gather Logs button
  • A progress bar will appear and the program will proceed to gather troubleshooting information from your computer
  • Upon completion, click OK
  • A file named mbst-grab-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop
  • Please attach the file in your next reply. Before submitting your reply, be sure to enable "Notify me of replies" like so:

    To save attachments, please click the link as shown below. You can click and drag the files to this bar or you can click the choose files, then browse to where your files are located, select them and click the Open button.

One of our experts will be able to assist you shortly.

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No, I'm not having issues. The last thing I posted on 17 Jun was "everything seems to be working as it should."

I supposed that the person must have read that before issuing the request yesterday. I followed directions in the spirit of cooperation, thinking he or she must have had a reason. ;)

Anyway, so far so good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Let's start by making sure you're on the latest version since your last log shows you're a little outdated. Please go to Settings -> Application and click on Install Application Updates. This should ask to restart Malwarebytes after updating. Then, if you continue to see any issues, please provide a new set of logs.

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