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I play a game which is made in Unity3d and use the protocol PlayerIO.

When I have Web protection activated I can't do any connections in this game. I don't get any information why it gets blocked.

When I disable Web Protection I can play this game perfect without blocking these connections.

I work with tool for PlayerIO and those is made in C#. I can connect and everything. I also play a game which is made in Flash which use PlayerIO.

But when using a game made in Unity3d it won't work.

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If you're not getting a message from Malwarebytes specifically about blocking the site, this is most likely a known issue in the latest version. You can disable Web Protection, or you can download the previous version here: https://malwarebytes.box.com/s/wj3s1yc7wqpchfms4wfu76gy7k0mind4

Make sure to go into Settings -> Application and turn off the option to automatically install component updates so the update doesn't reinstall


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On 6/19/2018 at 5:21 AM, WildCard65 said:

@dcollins Just to let you know, PlayerIO is the framework used by ShellShock Live.

Sure it used by ShellShock Live too. But I had this issue on other games that use PlayerIO too.

Anyway. Is this issue fixed? I'm curious about using old version because I have it disabled.

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