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I have an LG V20. "Security Software" MDF2.0 R4 "Software" H91810U Android 7.0 Patch 5/1/18 (the most current available for this T-mobile locked version)

No other security software other than MBAM & the system provided MDF 2.0 R4 (whatever that is).

My issue is: the V20 has a very advanced 32 bit music player. It tends to glitch occasionally, even if I & the phone are stationary. I've done quite a bit of troubleshooting (changed out headphones, headphones cables, turned off a bunch of apps to free up ram (I usually have between 1.3 gb - 2.6 gb free), etc; with some success, but the problem isn't totally gone.

About the only thing I haven't been able to try is suspending MBAM. The stop App button is grayed out. Is there any way to temporarily suspend it from running (& then of course to be able to restart it) to see if MBAM is the cause, as 1 i.t. specialist I know who owns the same phone said was likely the cause? It seems the only major ram users I am unable to temporarily turn off are MBAM, the main Google App, & Settings.

I am using internal storage for the music files (total storage is 64 gb; I still have around 17 gb open at the moment); the same i.t. person said that should actually have less of this issue than using a smart card.

All of that said, I am somewhat of a novice when it comes to phones.





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If you click on the "Hamburger" icon at the top left of the Dashboard, then Settings, Notifications, and then put a tick in the box for "Allow RTP pausing, from notification", that should give you the option to suspend Malwarebytes from the pull-down menu. Let us know if that works. 

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OK, perhaps I didn't read your post thoroughly enough. I thought pausing Real Time Protection might be enough to see if Malwarebytes was at the root of your problems. If you want to disable it completely, I think you'll need to go to Android Settings, Security, Device Administrators and de-select Malwarebytes - I think you'll then be able to Force Stop it. Good luck! 

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This topic might be of interest to you.  Please scroll down.  It is a two-stage process to disable protection temporarily.  Before anything else, make sure that you have the latest version of Malwarebytes for Android.

Step 1: Go to Settings, Notifications, and ensure that you enable the Malwarebytes RTP notification icon and also check the box to "Allow Pause Notification".

Step 2: When you want to actually suspend Real-Time Protection (RTP), you have to open your smart phone notifications, and there should be an option to Pause RTP for 30 minutes.  Select that, and the MBA icon should disappear and the notification itself.  After 30 minutes, it will turn itself back on.

I hope this helps.  Have a great day.


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Indeed you did.  I found the procedure somewhat cumbersome, and after invoking the pause, at least with my smart phone, the option to pause again, after 30 minutes, did not appear.  I had to reboot my phone.  It came back temporarily and then disappeared again, until I went into the "Settings, Notifications" and unchecked and then checked again the "Allow Pause Notifications at which point the "Pause RTP for 30 minutes" option reappeared in the MBA notification.

I think that this still might be a "work in progress" or that it might be better to be able to deactivate RTP directly from within MBA.

Have a great day.


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Thanks to all for the reply's. I assume by settings/notifications you're referring to the Android system settings? Or are you referring tho the Mbam menu? On the screen that shows what the phone is doing in the background (swipe down on the home screen) there are always between 1-3 MBAM notices. I've never noticed one that specifically says, "Pause RTP for 30 minutes".; but when I have time tonight I will definitely look at this & post back.

Thx again, & I hope it's resolvable.

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""Pause RTP for 30 minutes"" os not appearing in mbam: settings/notifications & I have enabled the Malwarebytes RTP notification icon and also check the box to "Allow Pause Notification".


Here's my complete list of options under Settings/Notifications: (all with check boxes)

Scan Result: checked

RTP Notification: checked

RTP Icon: Checked

Database Updates: Checked

Issues: Checked

Call Blocker: Grayed Out

Allow RTP Pausing From Notification: Checked


Under about:

App version

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