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Not sure which forum to ask this in.. My apologies if it is the wrong one.

I have been sold Malwarebytes Endpoint Security is an antivirus solution combined with anti malware, anti ransomware software.  I am a bit nervous that it isn't.. I have the management console installed on my server which is Windows 2012 R2 Essentials and primarily Windows 7 workstations.   I removed the soon to be expiring Symantec software on the server and workstations and now my Server Dashboard is full of "can't find anti-virus' on the workstations type messages.  If this is indeed a full package solution, I just need re-assurance so that I can find a way to turn the messages off that are showing up on my server.  Windows Defender became active once i uninstalled Symantec on the workstations and I had to add exclusions for Malwarebytes because it slowed all the workstations down and things wouldn't load or crashed.  I am wondering if i need to buy the Symantec product again afterall.. I switched to Malwarebytes because i have used the free version in the past to help remediate personal workstations and the occasional work one. It did an excellent job to kill things..  I am sold on ransomware protection for the company..  

I read online conflicting messages about if it is an antivirus as well or that i should be still having a separate antivirus. Not sure who to believe.   I just purchased it last week so have the latest version of Endpoint Security.

Thank you in advance. 




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