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If I choose Custom Scan on C:\ drive  and check the option Scan for Rootkits, MBAM stops scanning and stop responding even if I click on cancel, the only way to stop the task is rebooting the computer

This issue is very old,  I haven't never finish a Custom Scan on C:\ drive checking the option Scan for Rootkits

I am impatient?


MBAM has still issues with this type of scan?






Edited by candylovergirl
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8 minutes ago, dcollins said:

Rootkit scans can take a long time especially if you have a larger hard drive, but the cancel button should still work. We have some fixes in the works for some types of issues like this, but out of curiosity, how long have you let the scan sit?

1 hour 15 minutes to be exact, on a Windows 10 clean install. 500 GB HD (spinning disk, I am very poor to buy an SSD ?) with only this programs installed, soooooooooo not a lot of programs to scan ?




Edited by candylovergirl
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Just to add, the rootkit scan, much like the Threat scan itself, was specifically engineered to look in all of the places where threats (in this case, particularly rootkits) would install on your system.  In fact, specifically with regards to rootkits, since they must use drivers and/or the boot files/boot partition of your Windows system drive to be able to hide themselves (which is what makes them rootkits, technically speaking), it's pretty much a waste of time and energy to perform a rootkit scan across an entire drive.  All locations where a rootkit could be active are already checked in the Threat scan automatically when rootkit scanning is enabled, plus, the other elements of the Threat scan such as looking at all loading points on the registry as well as all loaded processes, services, drivers and modules (DLLs etc.) along with its heuristics and other detection tech that looks for malware in all of the places where it likes to install and hide will ensure that if a rootkit is present on the system that Malwarebytes is capable of detecting, that it will be caught by the Threat scan when you have rootkit scanning enabled.  Likewise, whenever the Malwarebytes Research team discovers any new locations being used by any infections, they add those locations to Malwarebytes via database updates so that they are checked by the Threat scan automatically along with all of the others so it doesn't even require a new product release to modify where the Threat scan looks for threats.

Obviously it is totally up to you if you wish to continue performing custom/full scans, however I've worked for Malwarebytes for nearly 8 years and was a longtime Malwarebytes user before that and I have never seen a case, including when I was a PC repair technician dealing with infected systems that I had to repair and clean, that it was necessary to use any other scan type in Malwarebytes other than the Threat scan (formerly known as the Quick scan in previous Malwarebytes versions when it was known as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware/Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware).

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