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Hi, I'm Jake from hxxp://www.catgirlsare.sexy,

recently MBAM has started flagging my file host (containing around 1,600 other users) as "riskware", what exactly have we done to be considered riskware? This is obviously very important to me, as the owner (and host) of this website, if there is anything we can do to avoid being flagged, please let me know. This also goes for malware reports, we take any reports of malware very seriously and would be glad to take down any offending or malicious files.

Thanks for any help.



Edited by Mugi
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6 hours ago, Dashke said:

Hello Mugi,

Thank you very much for your message. Unfortunately, there are some files on b.catgirlsare[.]sexy that are malicious, like this one -


Hi Dashke,

Obviously I'm very disappointed to hear that users have been using my site to host files maliciously, the user in question has been punished accordingly and all of their uploads have been removed, we will be setting up an anti-virus to run on the server that will be scanning all 30GB of files every single day to ensure that we can catch the malware now and in the future before it can harm anyone else, and we will be tightening up on our upload rules as a result. I hope that in the future you won't be finding malware on our site anymore and we can be removed from the blacklist.


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  • Dashke changed the title to [RESOLVED] hxxp://www.catgirlsare.sexy -> Riskware ✅

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