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I have 3 seats and I'm using 2.  I installed on my phone but it's not taking the key. It says check the key I entered, which I have and it is correct. What should I do?

Here is my  Reference number 116547036

Edited by RamBurner
added reference number
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Hi @RamBurner,

It appears your license key is older than when Malwarebytes for Android was released. Thus, as stated in our Malwarebytes for Android FAQs, the following applies:

I have an old license for Malwarebytes. Can I activate Malwarebytes for Android Premium using my license?

Some customers may be required to purchase a new Premium license to use Malwarebytes for Android Premium.  If you purchased a license before Malwarebytes for Android was released (July 31st, 2017), your license may be restricted to Windows devices only.  Install Malwarebytes for Android and use the in-app upgrade options or visit the Malwarebytes website to purchase a home bundle.



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Does this apply to the original date for a purchase? I renewed in December 2017 and my key isn't accepted on my Android device. I certainly don't want to start a new subscription with nearly six months left to go on my current one, and I have more than enough open seats to cover the android device.

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