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I have had version 2.02.1012 for some time. I am perfectly satisfied with it and I don't want to receive those those annoying reminders to upgrade ( and pay!)  to newer version every 10 minutes.

There was a previous thread on this topic ( now closed )showing that other people are bothered by this.

Your instructions to go to GUI boot are unclear. I am on Windows 7 and I have enabled GUI boot with the  bcdedit command on the elevated command prompt.  I don't know what it is supposed to do. I see two new options in the Start menu ( under  Program/Accessories  PowerShell  and PS ISE ). Neither have any Settings option to disable your  update prompts, as you say.  in your  reply to a member. Besides from another Forum I am being told that GUI  boot has nothing to do with removing the  new version popups .

Bottom line don't tell me how helpful it is to have those reminders: I DON'T WANT THEM. Period   ( also because I would have to buy a licence. Why?   I already have MBAM installed with a previous version! You should allow people tto stop these popups, every 10 minutes!

Can you explain, once for all and CLEARLY what to do?





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This should do it for you.  You can still get database updates if you uncheck it, but you should also know that you will have only the anti-ransomware protection that is provided by the Anti-Malware product.  The newer versions contain both Anti-Exploit and Anti-Ransomware protection, so you are protected in multiple ways.


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Ouch!  You're right.  I dug out the 2.0 pictures, and we had not yet added that checkbox in 2.0.  I just went through all of the forums looking for an answer that is relevant to your version and didn't find one.  I'm going to ping one of our guys to see if he can check in on this thread when he gets a chance.  We are in the middle of a 3-day weekend here in the US, so it may take a day or two to get his attention.

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