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While this obviously shouldn't happen, you could exclude the file and Malwarebytes should stop detecting/blocking it, assuming the filename and location are static.  Just add it as an exclusion in Malwarebytes via the Exclude a File or Folder function.  That is, assuming it's being detected as malware.  If it's some other component blocking it like Web Protection or Exploit Protection then different steps may be required.  Let me know and I can assist with that as well.

edit: I just realized it's most likely the Web Protection component blocking it given the location of this thread and the name of the process, so to exclude it from Web Protection you'd need to go to Settings>Exclusions and click Add Exclusion then select Exclude an Application that Connects to the Internet then click Next and navigate to the location of that EXE and select it.  That should prevent Malwarebytes from blocking its updates/connections going forward regardless of what changes are made to the Web Protection databases so that you'll never have to worry about this again, at least as long as that exclusion exists.

Edited by exile360
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