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Why will the actual program never detect that there is a newer version available and update itself?  I was on 3.4.5 and just went out to the website to see that 3.5.1 is available.  I manually installed it and all is good but this happens all the time.

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5 hours ago, luddy said:

Why will the actual program never detect that there is a newer version available and update itself?  I was on 3.4.5 and just went out to the website to see that 3.5.1 is available.  I manually installed it and all is good but this happens all the time.

try this if you haven't already open Mbam then click on setting you should see install application update click it

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Hi luddy:

I asked a similar question back in March 2018 - see comments from Malwarebytes employee dcollins in my thread No Update to 3.4 Offered.

Firstly, when you manually check for updates from the dashboard or system tray icon (or during an automatic update scheduled with MB Premium) MB v3 only checks for updates for the malware definitions database but does not check for application updates.  From dcollins' post # 2 in that thread about an hourly background check on both Premium and Free versions that uses a metered "lottery" for delivering application updates:


 "...Malwarebytes checks with the servers every hour and checks to see if an upgrade is available. The server chooses people in a lottery based on our metering (which is pretty high right now) and determines if they get the upgrade at that time. If your computer is off, that means it's not checking in, and not eligible for the lottery that time around."

If you are using MB Free as an on-demand scanner and only run MB a few hours each week then chances are very low that you would be connected to the MB servers when one of these hourly metered update "lotteries" occurs.  That's probably why most MB Free users (or even MB Premium users that leave their machine in sleep/hibernation mode for long periods throughout the day) find that they eventually have to manually click the Check for Application Updates button at Settings | Application | Application Updates to get their application updates.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.8.0 * Norton Security v22.14.0.54 * MB Premium v3.5.1.2522-1.0.365

Edited by lmacri
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13 hours ago, dcollins said:

Everything @lmacri is correct. On top of that, 3.5.1 is not being made available through in-app upgrades at the moment due to some upgrade issues. Manual install seems to go without issue, so we left the download available.

What do you mean?  I am being offered the upgrade to 3.5.1 within the program.

But only on one computer.  The others have not received the offer to update.  I thought it was the same issue as last time that myself and others experienced of never being offered a program update but now you are saying you stopped the in-app upgrades.  Way confused.

Edited by bru
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@bru we had 3.5.1 being offered to a lot of people the other day, but due to some reports of issues, we turned off the in-app upgrades. So if one of your computers received the update during that time, you will continue to get the upgrade message since it already has the update downloaded and just needs to install it.

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3 minutes ago, dcollins said:

@bru we had 3.5.1 being offered to a lot of people the other day, but due to some reports of issues, we turned off the in-app upgrades. So if one of your computers received the update during that time, you will continue to get the upgrade message since it already has the update downloaded and just needs to install it.

Since it downloaded do you suggest updating via the program or manual install? Or not at all?

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38 minutes ago, bru said:

Since it downloaded do you suggest updating via the program or manual install? Or not at all?

Hi bru:

Just a heads up that the product update announcement Ladies and Gentlemen, Malwarebytes 3.5 was edited this past Thursday (24-May-2018) to confirm that there are known issues with the latest real-time Ransomware Protection module.  If you are still using MB Premium v3.4.5 and it's running well you might want to delay the update to v3.5.1 until a new component package is released to replace CU v1.0.365.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.8.0 * Norton Security v22.14.0.54 * MB Premium v3.5.1.2522-1.0.365

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Just now, lmacri said:

Hi bru:

Just a heads up that the product update announcement Ladies and Gentlemen, Malwarebytes 3.5 was edited this past Thursday (24-May-2018) to confirm that there are known issues with the latest real-time Ransomware Protection module.  If you are still using MB Premium v3.4.5 and it's running well you might want to delay the update to v3.5.1 until a new component package is released to replace CU v1.0.365.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.8.0 * Norton Security v22.14.0.54 * MB Premium v3.5.1.2522-1.0.365

While it is true that there are remaining known issues with Ransomware Protection in version 3.5.1, there are actually more issues with that module in previous builds, including 3.4.5 as many of those issues were actually fixed in 3.5.1, just not all of them.

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