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You must have administrative rights on the PC to install the active x program, and use Internet Explorer to access the web site. http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/solutions/activescan/ You may have to adjust security settings in IE, add the site to Trusted Sites, allow ActiveX downloads and installs. If you had to make adjustments to the browser settings, close the browser and reopen to ensure they take effect. Then navigate to the website again. You may need to turn off your AntiVirus program and firewall, also any active protection programs you may be running.

Step 1


Click the blue button that says Scan Your PC Now.

Step 2


Choose your Country, State or Province, Enter a valid email address. Choose Home user or Company. Click the green button that says Free Online Scan.

Step 3


This is the beginning of the Active Scan and where you must allow the Active X install. This is also where you will have problems if you don't have Administrative Privalidges or the security settings set in IE to allow Active X installs and downloads. What I discovered was when I made any changes in IE I had to close and reopen the browser for them to take affect. I had one hell of a time getting past this point.

Step 4


Here you must choose what to scan. It is always safe to choose My Computer. Do this.

Step 5


Panda will update to the latest definitions.

Step 6


Panda will begin to scan your PC for malware. Get a snack, continue to surf, what ever this can take a while. Just don't close the browser window!

This is a shot of what it looks like when something is found, it's just for your information as to what you may see. Let the scan continue. This is a detection in one area only.


Step 7


The scan is finished. Now this is where you choose See Report. The green button in the top right corner.

Step 8


This shows the window after you have chosen See Report. You see the items that have been found in the box. Below the box are two green buttons Save the Report and Scan Again. Click on Save the Report.

Step 9


The Windows Explorer box will pop up when you choose Save the Report, and you must choose where to save the report to. It will already be titled Active Scan, choose Desktop to save to. Step 10 continued in the next post.

I hope it makes someone's day a bit easier. This is taken from MontanaMenagerie.org and may be re-used with my permission only.

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Step 10


This is a log with only tracking cookies, no real virus or trojans. Click on the Edit menu and choose Select all. This will highlight the page. Right click on it with your mouse and choose copy. Now in your reply in your HiJack This thread right click and choose Paste and Submit. Voilla your Panda Active Scan log has been posted for analysis.


This is the option you will see if you choose Disinfection Advice on the green button on the bottom of the windows. You are given the option to pay for everything to be removed. Panda will not remove tracking cookies, but it will remove virus and trojans. There is no need to pay to remove any of these, they can be removed with free programs.

I just want you to see what happens if you click that button and to explain it in case there is any confusion about paying. You DO NOT need to pay. It is of course your choice.

This tutorial is taken from MontanaMenagerie.org and can only be re-used with my permission.

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