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Firefox extension won't install


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I want to record one disappointment which is that Firefox 45.9 ESR will not install MalwareBytes Browser Extension. I cannot run a compatible Firefox because the processor in my XP system will not execute the SSE2 instructions.  Oh well, that's life I suppose. Fortunately MBAE does run on a pre SSE2 processor so I mustn't be greedy.

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I think that you said it, Firefox ESR on XP.

I understand, I had to run an XP laptop for longer than I would have liked to or should have done (budget reasons) only got a new one when it packed up.

There again I still have, and occasionally use, a Windows 98 desktop. It's got some very expensive CAD software on it that would cost a fortune to update.

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While the MalwareBytes Browser Extension is much to be preferred, Ghostery 5.4.10 does a very passable job of blocking much nuisance stuff.

Edited by hake
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  • 2 weeks later...

You can also try a Chromium based browser, assuming it's compatible with XP, and install the Chrome version of the plugin.  I myself use SRWare Iron Portable and the plugin works perfectly with it, which I assume it would with any browser based on the same Chromium source code (I prefer non-Google products as I prefer not to be tracked/logged/advertised to in the apps I use).

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