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this virus is a windows script that replicates itself unto infected system and found in school computers, and replicates it self through USB flash drives

it affects registry and seem to 

all antivirus software does not detect it.

i have uploaded it to avira website and your website for further inspection.


google ""microsoft-com.ddns.net" for further info, as that URL is concatenated in the attached js script


best regards nad keep up the good works


Edited by Bakr
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It's vjw0rm.

var UblbbtkujpxMaxwPhuKVpHdLxQZTtemkyVLYIaKCNzffZrmRHiIikfnuDaNBDYlrMWeIrN = ["HKCU","HKLM","HKCU\\vjw0rm","\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\","HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Classes\\","REG_SZ","\\defaulticon\\"];


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As soon as a Researcher checks your thread. Can you tell us where you found that file exactly? Also, can you run FRST on a computer infected with this malware and provide us the log? It'll help when creating the definitions.

iO3R662.pngFarbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) - Scan mode
Follow the instructions below to download and execute a scan on your system with FRST, and provide the logs in your next reply.

  • Download the right version of FRST for your system:
    • FRST 32-bit
    • FRST 64-bit
      Note: Only the right version will run on your system, the other will throw an error message. So if you don't know what your system's version is, simply download both of them, and the one that works is the one you should be using.
  • Move the executable (FRST.exe or FRST64.exe) on your Desktop
  • Right-click on the executable and select Spcusrh.pngRun as Administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users)
  • Accept the disclaimer by clicking on Yes, and FRST will then do a back-up of your Registry which should take a few seconds
  • Make sure the Addition.txt box is checked
  • Click on the Scan button
  • On completion, two message box will open, saying that the results were saved to FRST.txt and Addition.txt, then open two Notepad files
  • Copy and paste the content of both FRST.txt and Addition.txt in your next reply

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that worm was reported to my by a neighbor friend in UAE, apparently he got it from school computers through USB flash drive transmission.

it copies it self into c:\programdata\%system%.js

whereby if you try to delete it via command line, you cannot ..

i even tried using:

del c:\programdata\%%system%%.js

it was returning file not found.

Attached are the two files



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iO3R662.pngFarbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) - Fix mode
Follow the instructions below to execute a fix on your system using FRST, and provide the log in your next reply.

  • Download the attached fixlist.txt file, and save it on your Desktop (or wherever your FRST.exe/FRST64.exe executable is located)
  • Right-click on the FRST executable and select Spcusrh.pngRun as Administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users)
  • Click on the Fix button
  • On completion, a message will come up saying that the fix has been completed and it'll open a log in Notepad
  • Copy and paste its content in your next reply


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keep in mind that in the log file you will see::


"C:\ProgramData\%System%.js" => not found

that is because earlier i have adviced the friend to delete manually that file, based on my basic checking of the odd startup apps on his machine.


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indeed it did not come back.

he points that when he insert a usb flash into a computer that is infected, then all the folders on that USB will become hidden, and a shortcut for them created, in addition to see the "%system%.js" copied to the root folder of the flash....

apparently it is using this method to spread around.

anyhow, i hope that i have contributed to make aware of that suspicious script.

you may sandbox it, and make it on the startup of windows, and do you snapshopts of before / after - to idnetify deeper how it affect the system, and try inserting a usb-flash drive which has some random folder structure into the sandboxed infected machine and watch for its behavior yourself.

keep up the good works.


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Glad we could help.

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This applies only to the originator of this thread.Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.



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