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Error 732 with MBAM 1.40

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Hi to all,

Today I began experiencng weird errors while downloading MBAM database update. The program started as usual, but when it began downloading, every 8 kb it hanged. Till around 1200 kb, an error message box popped up saying "an error ocurred..." with an error code 732.

Btw, firewall has MBAM with full permissions (COMODO CIS), IE7 in online mode and a fully working broadband connection (256k).

Any ideas?

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a) My connection always worked like a charm while downloading updates.

:D Today I got the same error, but Windows Update was swallowing all the bandwidth and I thought that might be the cause. When I posted this, MBAM was the only Internet app I was running :S

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I know most people don't have any issues, that's why I'm concerned about this. Even when I'm not using my internet connection (my firewall shows 0 conns. incoming and 0 outcoming), MBAM downloads very slowly, and I can't figure out why. I tested downloading the update with a web browser, and the very same thing happens. So, either there is a bad, bad problem with my computer, or my ISP is not working properly. :S

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  • Root Admin

Maybe try the following and see if it helps or not.

Click on START - RUN and copy / paste the entry below into the run line and click OK


Click on START - RUN and copy / paste the entry below into the run line and click OK

CMD /C NETSH int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt

On Vista you'll first need to start CMD by right click RunAsAdmin before running those commands.

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Vista with MBAM on demand.

Just started my pc this am and the first thing I do is update mbam.

The update was around 3.7 meg which took a few secs and after it was installed received an error message 732 but on subsequent update checks everything seemed to work ok with no error message.

The log is showing:

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.41

Database version: 2775

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