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Registration Not Received!

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I paid for Malwarebytes but never received the confirmation email and yes i checked my spam folder it wasn't there either, in any event I spent the $19.95 for the download and it was the best money i ever spent it totally removed every virus and spy ware off of my computer, just wondering why i never received anything and am i missing something it say register or purchase


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I paid for Malwarebytes but never received the confirmation email and yes i checked my spam folder it wasn't there either, in any event I spent the $19.95 for the download and it was the best money i ever spent it totally removed every virus and spy ware off of my computer, just wondering why i never received anything and am i missing something it say register or purchase


Hi and welcome to the forums.

Inquiries regarding any of the following issues must be sent to the link provided below to our reselling partners, Cleverbridge:

1- sales issues of any kind, consumer or corporate, including charges to credit cards

2- lost\misplaced licenses, requests for keys\IDs due to system crash\reformat

3- updates or changes to your personal information

4- delays to or undelivered email confirmation

5- delays to or damaged\undelivered CDs

Any and all issues related to any of those previously mentioned, contact Cleverbridge via the following link:


No one here in forums, or support can assist in this. Cleverbridge is in control of that.

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