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Hello - I have been “infected” by some sort of browser redirect, where ALL Google searches on both Chrome AND Safari are automatically redirected to Yahoo. On Chrome, the tab w/ results says “Wajam Yahoo Search” and on Safari, a URL that includes “searchpage.com” appears briefly before the Yahoo results page. 

I’ve tried multiple things on various forums and YouTube video, but nothing addresses this specific problem. Malwarebytes found 7 threats that were cleared, but none of them solved for the browser redirect problem. 

Please help, I’m getting desperate and don’t want to resort to a time machine backup restore. 

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Since you haven't told us what those "multiple things" you've tried, I'm reluctant to be wasting time for both of us by suggesting things you've already attempted, so it would help us both if you could list them.

Meanwhile, did you overlook a recommendation that you to reset your home page and/or search engine preferences when you cleared those 7 threats? Fixing browser settings is not something Malwarebytes for Mac does for you. See How can I reset my browser's home page and search settings on Mac?

Redirects can be caused by malware, but more often they are caused by visiting a site that is shady, has been hacked or has advertising that has been compromised, or they are caused by compromised network hardware. For more information on the latter, see: Malwarebytes has not detected or blocked malware

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