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error code 721 (0,28)

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I have the norton 360 firewall program rules set to Allow for mbam, but I am still getting this error.

You also need to set that in any anti-virus and anti-spyware exclusions lists that Norton 360 has, that way it is not monitoring MBAM while it's scanning.

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I have narrowed it down to the norton 360 firewall. Mbam scans complete with the firewall disabled, but it keeps getting stuck on that same file with it on. I haved in marked allow all under program rules. Is there somewhere else in the firewall settings that I need to do something?

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... Is there somewhere else in the firewall settings that I need to do something?

Not that I know of, but my knowledge of Norton products is pretty slim. You may need to ask on their forums. They may even have a topic going where someone already figured it out.

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