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Does A Computer Need to be Connected to the Internet at Startup for IP Protection to Start?

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When 1.40 first came out, I had trouble with IP Protection initializing on a computer that connects wirelessly to my router. I was able to resolve the issue by delaying the start of MBAM protection.

Today, I turned off the computer's wireless radio and then restarted the computer (I had forgotten about the computer radio being turned off). MBAM Protection launched but without IP Protection checked. I turned the radio on, and the computer connected to the router (and the Internet). I then tried enabling IP Protection, but it wouldn't enable. I then tried turning off MBAM Protection and turning it back on, but still couldn't start IP Protection. Logging on and off didn't work either. Everything worked fine after a reboot.

XPSP2 Pro, Norton 360V3, WinPatrol, Secunia PSI

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Would the method (to start protection) you posted for this thread [CreateService] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 1073, Error: [OpenEven] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 2 work without a reboot for my case?

Click on START - RUN and type in CMD and click OK.

type in the following


It should show the service is stopped. Now run the following


That should start the service and show as successful. Now run the following including the quotes or change to that directory to run it.

"C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe" /starttray

Also, there's my question: Does A Computer Need to be Connected to the Internet at Startup for IP Protection to autostart?

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