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How are Android devices managed when you have a multiple devices license ?

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First of all, there are no answer about that on the Malwarebytes FAQs for Android or anywhere in these forums. In fact i have been trying to get an answer to that question for quite a while and even the Malwarebytes support seemed to have no idea how it really works when i contacted them.

My question is simple, please take the time to read it:

- when you buy a Malwarebytes Premium multiple devices license from the Malwarebytes website, are you able to manage the Android devices the same way than on the PC ? As in, will you see your Android device on the "my Malwarebytes" account ? And will you be able to deactivate a selected Android device, same as on PC ? And if not, how do you "free" a license from an Android device if you plan on using this seat on another Android or even a PC ?

I think it is a legitimate question since the Premium license is supposed to support multiple type of devices (PC, Mac, Android). Also there is currently someone complaining about not seeing his Android device on his Malwarebytes account, despite the app being activated as Premium, and no one has given him an answer...

Should you have the answer, you should include it on the Android FAQs.

I am not complaning or trying to make you guys look bad. In fact, i just want to buy Malwarebytes Premium for my PCs and Android tablets and smartphones, but i can't since no one at the support is able to bring a clear answer to that question...

Thanks a lot for your patience and have a wonderful day !

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